Tuesday 21 June 2011

My letter to my grandpa..

Dear Grandpa,

This is my letter to you I really want to tell you some things, and I know this is the only way to do it.

So I will write you a letter.

There are no words for how much I miss you, but the missing is never ending, I miss your voice, I miss your smile, I miss your blue eyes, I miss those green pants you always had on you and the t-shirt.

I know you are proud of me, looking down from heaven, probably with a smile as it goes so good for us here down. I wished you could have seen Matilda, Jenna’s kid, she is so beautiful and so fun, she reminds me of Jenna when she was young.

I tend to remember how much I wanted to go to see you, when people said they were going to see you and grandma, I was the person that wanted to go with them as I wanted to see you and be with you, I think I spend lots of times with you when you lived, but you know what, even if I miss you so much there is nothing that compares how much I miss my boyfriend Michael, oh yeah grandpa I have a boyfriend.

Well what can I say about Michael he lives in Liverpool in England, funny enough you where the one that said I was the person that would look for a boy outside from the Scandinavian, you where right grandpa I have someone outside from Scandinavian, and now I want to tell you about him. He makes me smile so much and that is probably the only person that can make me smile as much as you did. He is the one I want to spend my life with; I wish you could be here on earth to see him as he is a wonderful person.

Well now to the missing part, why does it hurt so much to miss him? Is it because I love him, I wish you were here so I could talk with you as I am feeling so lost without him. Grandpa my sweet angel, you were always the person I could talk with but now I can’t talk really with anyone how much it hurts inside me, to miss him, my mind is keeping thinking about his wonderful green eyes, his warm smile, how handsome he is how wonderful he is.

I feel like my heart is broken grandpa, I have never felt like I do, not even when you passed away and then I felt broken like I were a complete mess inside, but now my heart seem to be more broken than ever, when I am with him grandpa I feel complete, why aren’t you here so I can talk to you, I need you, I need to speak with you. I have been trying to talk to my friends about this but they just say I should get over it and forget how I feel. I want to know where my heart went, where it has go, why do I feel heartbroken when I am happy? Grandpa can you answer the questions I have, I feel extremely lost.

Well I hope you will be proud of me forever, and that you will be seeing how happy Michael makes me, and how much I miss him, I dream sweet dreams again, no nightmares.

Oh before I forget I found your wedding photo I will put it up in the bookshelf so I always can see you, how handsome you where my sweet angel, I miss you loads, I hope you have a good time where ever you are now grandpa.

I love you so much Jouni Virtanen, may your soul be in peace.

Love, your granddaughter Johanna that miss you more than she can describe..

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Beach and sunburned

Well today I have been pretty dumb, well when am I smart anyway?

Well today I decided to go to the beach with Michael and guess what, two hours there is a bad idea when your name is Johanna, as I burned my shoulders, and back and some part on my face, and I wasn’t there so long time, and I rarely get burned so the sun had to be strong. Why the hell didn’t I have sun lotion with me?

Now mike is messing with my writing skills here on word, as how it should look like ¬¬ boys!

Anyway what did we do on the beach we went to look for some shells and I found some nice ones, and than we saw some jellyfish red ones bad thing, don’t want to walk on them as they burn you.. Well the thing is that I never felt the sun burning on me when I was there but honest I love to be outside so I don’t care what can really happen, erm skin cancer oh well if I get that, I know it was meant to happen to me anyway.

Well I don’t know what to think or say as the shoulders is still in some pain but as much as they where before, at least I will be brown soon, wohooo I love to be brown as it feels like you have been more outside than you actually have been.

Well this will be a short blog as I am tired, Adios readers.

Saturday 11 June 2011

Road trip to Spain

oh okay I will write my awesome trip to Spain while I hear my boyfriend singing you've only won it three times about Man Utd ¬_¬

It starts in sweden what can I say about that it is a really boring motorway to helsingborg from gothenburg, nothing nice to see than it is the same with denmark until you get to the bridge that takes you to the main land in denmark as you go over the sea so there you can see at least water..

Well Germany is a nice country but all I can say dont go during day there oh jeez the roads are a mess on the day one time we went on the day, and we got stuck in Frankfurt for 4 hours in traffic and that was not funny, well I only drive through Germany to luxembourg and there we actually just fuel the car to go to lyon, in France to sleep over the night, France has one good thing as you have to pay on the motorway, good job opportunity for sweden, I will tell you all why I want that in sweden, as the tourist that goes with the cars will be supporting our motorways too not ourselves.

well lyon is a nice city but the french people are strange not speaking english and i dont know so much french just really bonjour, and merci oh yay me. Could be worse I could be with Michael there him screaming ENGLAND ENGLAND ENGLAND oh trust me I see that in my head!

anyway the best view is the Pyrenees I dont know what to say really as it is breath taking, really beautiful seeing high mountains, on your both sides while you are driving beside them, oh I love that sight I really should try to find a picture someday of that to show you all, well spain is a beautiful country but it takes really 2 days to go there with the car, as it is so far away..

Well I dont know what to say any way about the road trip as I cant think to much, have to much to think about, as the views in wales, really nice a hill up and a hill down, the ocean, mmm me going to those beaches next week!

See ya later!