When I see fans fighting with other fans from different teams in football I don't see a true supporter. What I mean is that you represent your team, so if you fight with people that isn't from your team what do you show others. I know people will hate me when I say this but you are actually representing your team, and the players are doing it too.
Now to the thing that bugs me that is that team fans fight with each other a true supporter don't do that as they respect the other teams fans. I know I am sick of the fighting in what sport you look in to there should not be fighting, it should be fun and great to go to a game, and to enjoy it. I have been in the complete wrong squad I mean I am a Frölunda HC supporter (ice hockey) and I was sitting in the other teams supporter, and when we scored I actually screamed so loud that everyone knew that I was a FHC supporter, the thing was that I talked with the other teams supporter and it was good, but when I have been on other games supporter are fighting each other and that shows off what a supporter you are, you aren't there to enjoy the game, and to watch the sport you are there for the fight and that is not good.
The same is in football why do you throw things on the other teams player, I mean I know how you can end that thing, get the victory to the other team if it is your fans that do it, but if it is the other team, they should lose the game too! Sweden have lots of trouble with this at the moment with Bengalian fires, throwing things on the other teams player. The thing is you can punish all the fans by not letting them see the game, but that is just to punish your own team as they will not have the wonderful united fans cheering on them. During a game you always hear the rivals screaming we will win, all the boo sounds, but that is the atmosphere in a stadium, but the other team will see that your team is more united when you cheer and respect the other team.
The players do represent the team, and if they do bad things outside that effects the team view and the same it is with the fans, you do represent your team, and are the picture out so lets say I am Arsenal fan and hates everyone and get more to do the same, and fight with others, and hit things on the other players, that would give a bad view on Arsenal as a team, and that is nothing I would want to do if I am a true supporter. I would show respect to the other team as they are as united as we are. The more respect you give to others the more respect you will get back, and that makes you a strong team, and strong teams win usually :D
Love and peace !
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