Monday, 2 May 2011

Something just

Today I want to talk about players, do anyone know what a player is. As I have lots of male friends I have seen them played girls so many times, but how the hell could I miss when I got played? I should really have been more awake.

I mean I saw Linus, Fredrik, Mikeal, Daniel, Vincent, Erik and some part even Jonas play lots of girls but I never saw when I got played. Because you tend to miss it, I don’t know how I could miss it when I have seen it so many times.

Let me start with those girls those have played jeez I really feel so bad for the girls deep down, many of them was people I knew but I never ever said anything to them as they liked the boy that played them, then in the end I heard the boys brag about the shag, the kissing and what they did with her. Then the worst thing was probably when I started to listen to the girls how they really got used by the boys and all I did was lie to them, saying that the boy would call them.

I even helped the boys to hook up with girl by lie that they where sweet and totally awesome and that I do regret. Because when I got played and I never ever listen to my friends that would have saved me lots of pain, lots of heartbreak and the humiliation that came after it updated. I have never been so embarrassed so many laughed at me, so many thought I was stupid to think that he loved me, and the worst part was that I stayed so long time with him, when all my friends warned me from him, The only think I did promise myself was to close my heart forever, never let anyone come close to it. I don’t ever want to be that girl that everyone laughs at one time again; I want to be the person that no one really cares about more than my loved one.

So what is the point to fall in love when you might get hurt and played again you ask me? If you don’t dare to fall in love and risking getting hurt and humiliated you might miss the one person that will being your prince that will take care of you whenever you need someone to take care of you. People ask me if I am ready to fight for love, and yes I am ready I am ready to take the big step to get married and live happy for the rest of my life. Honest I never thought I would say this but I am so ready for all those things, that I can even change my last name and trust me that is a huge thing for me.

I would kill for one person and that is how strong I feel for someone…

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