Sunday, 29 January 2012


Okay Revenge is today’s subject, I will write loads of things you can do and probably what will happen and what the consequences are in those things.  Oh yeah I have never done those things I will write about but I have seen the things in close so I know they are true and what can happen, Always remember that it might not happen to you if you don’t get caught.

Revenge one this one is actually probably the worst thing ever, but also the worst thing to get caught doing because in the end you will lose everything you really don’t want to lose. Okay it started that a boy got dumped by a girl, and the girl had found someone knew and wanted to be with him, but this boy was more stubborn than anyone else I know. Anyway he decided to get the girl to fall for him once again and break her heart as she had done with his, he actually got the girl to fall for him and everything again, she dumped the new boyfriend to be with her ex him that she had broken one time before, anyway what he never realise was that he would fall in love with the girl again, and he really did fall hard again, well the thing was that the girl found out his revenge she dumped him with the words, you broke my heart as I broke yours so I guess we are even know, but the thing was that they never got to be the same again, she doesn’t trust anyone and he has still not forgot her, I really don’t know why he talked about his plan to others as he knew if she would found out that he had done that that he would lose her, maybe he wanted to lose her, as he never got over that she broke his heart as she did, in the first place.

Everyone that has been heartbroken has planned a revenge I have done that too, I mean I planned so many things that I really don’t know why I never did anything maybe it was because I was afraid of losing in the end, and I am glad I was the bigger person that kept my feelings in a box and really just healed in my own time, I know I get sad sometimes about being heartbroken but in the end I grow as a person and got stronger than ever, and I know that I have some people to think for that, all those that decided to break my heart, because today I am the person that smiles more than you do.

Revenge two this one is about a girl that decided to break her best friends heart because she found out one thing, this is probably one of the sickest thing I have ever seen in my life because it is not even okay, This was two best friends from the beginning you have to realise that they were with each other like sisters, anyway one of the girls dated a boy and they were together you can say, and the other girl was with them but then the girlfriend went to a holiday and her best friend hang out with her boyfriend and ofcourse they hooked up during those weeks that she was gone, anyway when she came home they kept their affair and hooked up as soon the friend realise they were together too, she dumped the boy and she was still friend with her best friend but of course she had a revenge in her mind, so to hurt her friend more than anything she started to hit on her brother that was older, and the thing was that the brother liked her without her knowing it, anyway they got together and she told her friend that she could go to hell and she didn’t want to be her friends anymore, and the thing is that she is still together with her brother but the thing is that her brother is not talking to his sister as he is taking his girlfriends side I know this is bad, but she got her revenge and she made her best friend lose her best friend in the en her own brother.

So this one is a revenge I have never done or seen so I have to guess what can happen here. The story is true but I have no idea what will happen if the person do get her revenge.
It is about a girl that thinks she has been together with a boy but they never have been together, according to the girl that thinks she has been in a relationship with this boy have missed that he loved another girl that he had his eyes on. Well there was a girl that liked a boy that liked her, but then it was a girl that liked the boy but the boy hated her, but he was nice to her as he didn’t want to be mean to anyone, and that made the situation so bad in the end.  The girl that thought she was with the boy is talking a lot to the girl he is together with today, and says lies, and those lies makes this girl really annoyed as she knows the truth about everything, anyway she also have been thinking to tell that girl the truth about the boy that he never loved her, that he only used her, in all ways she can imagine because he was afraid of telling the truth to her.  So what can happen if she really get her revenge and tell the girl that she has fantasy everything, I can see a lot of scenarios here,

The first is that the girl will tell her that she lies, and contact the boy to get out the truth and the boy will lie to her again and tell her that he did have feelings for her and the girl will look stupid as the girl will show her the things they have been talking about.

The other thing I can see is that the boy tells the truth but the girl will do something stupid and show everything he has been telling her to his girlfriend at the moment so she will get sad and more or less she will get her own revenge because she knows it will hurt the girl in the end to see things that they have been talking about, text messages, inboxes, mails and more or less real conversations too,

The third is that the boy breaks up with his girlfriend and leave her, and the other girl and both loses him as he is tired of them both as they always fight and can’t be friends, and he realise that he can be happier somewhere else.

Oh well what more do you can happen with the third revenge? Will everyone get hurt or will they be happy, do you get happy if you really get revenge on people, I don’t think so but sometimes I think it is good to think that you can get a revenge but you should be the grown up and don’t go through with it.

Hope you all have liked this one, and I know Bojana will love it it is not short and not too long, only 1242 words right now.


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