What is important in a relationship? Friendship? Family? I really know what it is and there for I will write about it, but you all have to remember that this is my views and everything.
Okay let me start with family, than, as you always have the family around you no matter what you do you can’t change your family, who you are deep down you are always the same person around your family. Well you should always treat the people with respect and with loads of love, not because you have to because you want to show them how much you do appreciate them as your siblings, uncles, parents and stuff like that. When you do get your own family, and here I mean own kids, own husband or wife, you should treat them with all love in the world you can give. I believe that you will feel a different love for your own kids, it will change you as a person you will learn what fear is, you will learn what happiness is, you will learn to have strict rules, and if you get a daughter as a dad you will probably get loads of heart attacks. Well I think it is the same with your loved one, you should never leave the home without saying I love you, as you never know what will happen when you go out from the house when you are not around the person.
So than you have friendship, what is important in a friendship it is respect to respect your mate’s thoughts, your friend’s choices and everything that your friend do even if you don’t like it yourself. Well what I want to say here, I mean I don’t always agree on my mate’s partner but as that friend are in love with that person I tend to try to see the best things in that person, as I know my friend why would they take a scumbag to be in their life? Well sometimes they do that but I always respect what they do, I can tell them my opinion on the person and I know my friend will listen to it, but in the end it is that person that decides who she wants to be with, the same is with my male mates they have their own choices I can’t make them choose a person and not to choose a person if I don’t like him/her. The other thing you should have in a friendship and it is the same with family really is honestly, if you aren’t honest to your friends and family you are the one that isn’t brave, the one that never stand for what you think as you can’t be honest.
Well I actually had a mate that told me that he didn’t want to be my friend as his so called girlfriend didn’t like me, and he asked me what he should do and all I said was to follow his own heart, if he want the girl he has to make sure we aren’t mates but the thing is that I will be your mate when you break up with her, as I could see that they two wouldn’t last as the girl was so jealous about his girl mates, anyway he choose the other girl, the only thing I did was to write a long arsed note to tell him my own opinion, and trust me when he saw that letter he really started to cry because he realise that I was a true mate that was going to wait for him, and when they broke up, I kept my world and was his mate and he sat down with me and we talked about the whole thing, and all he said was people are lucky to have you in their life, you are honest, you tell what you see and what you feel, but also you are the one that waits even if we others fucks up, just look at me I choose my girlfriend over you and in the end you are here to be my mate, and to help me get over her. I have to say that if I tell one thing I do keep my words, that is who I am and friends are something you can be again even if the other person fucks up, and I know this person would wait for me if I fucks up loads.
Now to the other thing that you need in a relationship it is the same things as in a friendship really, respect and honestly I mean you can’t have a great relationship if you are lying, if you are saying it is okay that he is with people you don’t like all you can say is the truth, but always remember you can’t make your partner cut out people from his life, you have to respect that he has mates and that you might not like them. I can only speak for myself, honestly what I have seen and learned I really don’t give a shite about who Michael is mates with as it is his own choice but I can always tell him that I don’t want a certain person in our home, as I don’t like that person oh yeah this is an example so everyone knows. The thing is that he has to respect my wish too, but he can be with the person as long as it is not in our home than. The thing is that you should never lie in a relationship what kind of person are you if you are lying and not are yourself, as that will only show that the person you are with doesn’t know you at all. If you are a jealous person you should work on that, it is not healthy to be jealous, but you can always tell your partner that you are jealous but you are working on it if you are doing it. If you aren’t working on your jealousy do you really want to be with the person in the first place?
Well what more can I say about the thing you should always respect the other person as that person has feelings, you don’t know if you hurt that other person by being a bitch, being mean and everything like that. I have seen some things in my so called short life, but the worst thing I have ever seen is how jealous a person can be that is sick really sick. I mean how can you love a person if you are so jealous if he talks to other people that isn’t you, are you really that unsure about yourself? It is not good when you are looking at the other persons personal things, like say facebook, you are stalking his wall to see if any girl/boys have written to that person you like. You might have his/hers password, or you have really break it so you can go and see more things, like inbox and everything, I mean that only shows that you don’t respect the other person, and that you are just a STALKER that pretends to be in love. I mean you can be that sick that you go and look at his/hers mobile too, I just used facebook as an example.
Well I will end this blog with only one thing, always respect the other person and mostly be honest and you will get those things back.
Thanks for reading this, and please try to think about yourself and how you are as a friend, as a sister, and even as a partner.
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