So today I will actually talk about jealousy and hitting, as I know those two subjects have something in common.
I have chosen two picture that is related to this subject.

Anyway what I want to say with this picture is that jealousy is something we all feel sometimes, even when we are kids. This picture actually proves it so well I mean the other girl gets the kiss from the boy and she feels jealous that she isn't the person that gets the kiss. I know I don't make any sense as always. But what I mean even the best person can get unsure, and get really jealous.
Well the thing is that sometimes you get so jealous on your partner, ex and friends that you feel that you want to give them the worst bitch slap ever and just hit them until you feel better. I know this as I have felt it not my proudest moment but the thing is that I never hit the other person, I know I should have done it as that person was rubbing the thing in my face. But all I am proud of is that I found the strength to keep calm, what kind of person would I have been if I was fighting with my friend over a boy. The worst friend ever I guess, but the thing is that I do respect don't take your mates ex boyfriends, and all that but some people really don't respect that.
Well the thing is that people never get why I can let my partner have so many girl mates, why can't he be friends with who he wants with? I mean deep down I know it is me he has his eye for, and why would I get jealous over that? It is good that we have our own friends or own interests, you should always think would you want your partner to decided who you can be friends with and not. The only thing I really ask from my partner is to not be friends with his ex girlfriends, as they have had feelings for that person, in one point and I really don't want to get remind that he has been kissing her, hugged her and all that, that is probably the only thing that can make me go madly jealous to get all those feelings that I would punch the other person to the other side of the country or other place in this world.
I have seen so many jealous people in my life, many of my friends has been telling me that I can't be friends with my mate's girlfriends as they are secretly in love with the person and haven't the guts to tell him that. But I can see where the jealousy comes in some cases. As this case, and yes I asked my mate if I could use this an example so she knows about it and I will use her real name too, and I have asked the boy too and he has said okay too but I have to use his name with a different name anyway.
Maria, was inlove with Jonas. Well she told him that she loved him and she used that " I love you" the thing was that Jonas told her I love you too, but he never loved her, he actually loved someone else and had a flirt with her in the same moment as he played Maria. Anyway the thing was that Maria found out of the other girl and she became madly jealous all she did was to destroy for Jonas and that girl that he talked to, but in the end Jonas told Maria the truth and said that he had never loved her, and that he loved that other girl, everything was good for like two days and Maria told everyone that knew her and Jonas that we had to be her friends and support her, and that we should make the new girl feel unwelcome as she was still jealous.
Well then one time they all got to the same party and Maria came up with a brilliant idea according to her, and that was to tell that new girl what Jonas had told her, and trust me she went to the pc and printed out everything when he has told her I love you and all that, the thing was that she actually broke them up and she felt so good, but what she never knew was that she lost the boy she loved because she acted like that, but she never saw how she acted as she thought it was okay.
The thing is when you act in jealousy you really don't know what you do, but you know that what you do is extremely wrong, I really can't understand why people are jealous as they really just show that they are really unsure deep down on them self.
When you ask me what should I do, I would answer FORGET THAT PERSON, and move on, I know it is hard, I know your heart needs to heal, and everything because how funny is it to get your heart broken, it is not okay, so there for you should try to move on as you are only getting your heart more broken when you are dreaming about the person you can't get.
oh well I might write about love and unhappy love again, as I really have more to say about it.
Always good to let your boyfriend be on his own.. But aren't you afraid he would cheat on you?
Why would you be in a relationship if you think someone would cheat? I trust in my boyfriend completely
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