I guess you can count me there, I like shopping, and mostly I love shoes, I am going on a diet, going to start to run again, but I don't know when just..
Anyway I am going to talk about how I typical girl is well most of us are the same we like the same things, and things like that, even if we are complete different in things. Well I am not saying that every girl is like this, as they aren't but most are like this. Well I will talk about myself and my girl mates, and trust me no one is safe really..
Let me start with one thing that girls like to do, no matter what they say they like to trash talk other people, somehow I think without joking that everyone is doing it still even if you are a grown up, but the worst part is that we do it lots when we are around 13-18, no idea why but we do. The girl that says that they haven't talked trash lies pretty much. I know I have done it, but I tend to think close to who I talk the trash too, I still do it on some things, I know I am ashamed of it, but I think every girl has that built in the brain.
So If you are reading this and thinking oh shite I have done that, don't worry so have I, but probably not about you, or it can have been about you, as I don't know who is reading my blog.
Well the other thing a girl tend to do, is that they talk about boys to mates, and that is not a good thing, as we keep going and going, I know this when we fall in love everything stops to work in our brain, and we tend to keep talking about that person for hours. Oh shite poor my mates when I start to miss Michael I tend to call them to talk to them and all I can hear them say is Johanna, can you please SHUT UP. But they never tell me that as they let me talk about him, as they know how happy I am.. Well I don't get how you really can become like this, I know when my mates start to talk about her love all I feel is oh no, it will go on for hours. But in the end I am the same :D
A girl loves/likes to shop, that is a thing you really can see when you are outside who is always out shopping oh yeah it is girls. How many lads really do shop, I feel sorry for Michael he has to carry lots of bags when I really start to shop, but he is so sweet so he always say Johanna you really don't need more shoes, haha sorry my love I bought new shoes yesterday, you weren't here to stop me. A girl loves either shoes or bags, no joke that is the worst thing for a girl.. Mine is shoes, I love shoes, that is the best thing in the world after Michael, he is the best thing in this world I would give up everything for just him.
Well what more can I say about a girl, they really do things that you would be chocked to hear about, if they want something they start with the ugly games, and that is to trash talk a girl, to everyone and they tend to do it strategy, I know I have been that girl everyone hated in school, and it was mostly the girls that hated me, maybe 'cause I didn't like the same things as they did. I liked universe, swimming, backstreet boys ( I know more did like them too), being in the woods, train, and now I can't do that, I miss the training, I want to be the old Johanna in that part that trained so much that she didn't have time for shopping, talking with the other girl mates I have. As they are always talking shite about each other, so I know when I am not there they talk bad things about me but I don't give a shite.
The only thing that really bugs me with being a girl is that if you are blond as I am, that guys looks at you as you would be a whore, I mean why would blonds always want to shag and things like that, I have seen as much brunettes being sluts as I have seen blonds, I am so sick of that! I mean I love that people always makes that conclusion when you are a blond, anyone else that have that same trouble?
All I mean those girls that sleeps around really makes girls look like trash I hope that they stop with that, I mean if you are in a serious relationship you can make love, but not with 10 different guys every week >.< uff why would you want to sleep with so many?
Now to the other thing, every girl dream about it is the perfect family and wedding, and when they start to date, they serious think about that, without knowing about it.
Now to the thing boys should stand up and say no to is when they girl makes them do anything they want. Please stand up for yourself, if you let the girl control you complete you will be destroyed in the end. put down the foot and tell your woman what you want to do
You know you love me...
Shoes? My problem is bags ;)
Mine is shoes >:<
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