Why is it so hard to get who the person Johanna is?
I mean people always are that idiot and say one thing and other thing, So why not clear some questions out what is true and what isn't true!
Than we can start with the thing that really is so funny, there is a rumor that I stole my boyfriend from a girl, that is not true at all.. The truth is that we fall in love with each other and decided to give "us" a chance so we did that, and that is the truth, no lies at all, we both decided to have a relationship as we love each other, and that has been one of the best things I have decided.
That I have been in fights on facebook, this is true, I have been in many fights on facebook, but the thing is that I don't care about them as I mostly don't know the persons in real life, I know them via facebook, some I am good friends with today, and hope that we will be that for a long time, but some are just out of my life and I want that too.
That I don't have blond hair, I do have blond hair, I am born with it but the thing is that I have been colour my hair for so long time, that I never will get back that blond colour I had in the begging.
That I am planing to go back to university, Yes I am planing to go back but not yet as I need someone to live with me to afford the flat I have, and the thing is I want to read there, so why not think really close so you get the right thing.
That I hate kids, I don't hate kids I actually like them lots and want my own sometime in the future..
I don't like when people lies about me, as they don't know me, really and because of that they say things that isn't true, as I have been stealing friends, and boyfriends, I have been in a relationship for one year (over) and friends you can't make someone be your friend you have to work for a friendship to work, I mean come on, how the hell can I have been stealing your friends if I get friends with them and talk to them. If people keep saying that they would be fucked up in the end, as they try to control someone else.
Anyway I will not babble more...
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