Friday, 11 February 2011

Yupas request :D

Well I am about to write about treachery or betray as my good mate Yupa wants me to write about but honest the only real betray I have had in my life has to be when my ex boyfriend decided to cheated on me with my best friend, oh yeah he didn’t choose some random person it was my girl mate that I was really close to, she knew exactlly how I felt about my ex and cheating.

Well now to the subject about my girl mate, the thing is how the hell could she betray her friend from childhood, for one simple shag? How could she throw away a friendship for my guy, that is gay theese days, strangely he is that and I am just really thankful I had that wake up call, because it made me leave him, but I also lost my closest friend because she choose to betray me as a person.

This brings out bad memories really because how I felt afterwards was really so much anger and I have never ever forgive my friend and I will never ever forgive her either, the worst part was not that she did that it what she did afterwards toward me.. hmm how can I tell this I have been partying and stuff like that but only in my village I never really went far away home, because I always got so drunk but this is so horrible. That girl that I shall keep anonymous because if she reads she will know it is her, she went to places and said she was me, and she screwed many people around, and the thing she said that not to one person it was almost 30 persons, and yet today I never understod why she said my name?

Maybe because I said up our friendship, but who the hell goes around shagging telling a friends name, in time I might had forgive her for doing the shag, but to say my name to other girls was just to much. Well that reason I found out this was because she tried to shag one of my mates in Gothenburg by saying my name, so I had to go to every boy that she has shagged to tell them that it wasn’t me they had shagged and trust me I made the girl come with me to tell them the truth but one boy said that he knew she was lying because he had found her id card, but how the hell can you betray your friend so much that you say that you are her to get a shag, honest it is just screwed.

Well now to the thing you call internet, you should not really trust in anyone so much when you meet them online, because people are sometimes trying to be better than they are and lie to your face. But the thing is that I had some girl mates that just showed that they have not grow up from highschool and trash talk you, and talk behind your back, but the thing is they did not even know me, so the only thing I really regret is that they thing I took their words to me, when I didn’t take them to me. I was really just feeling bad when all this happen or I did it a long time before because of what has happen in my real life.

Well all I can say they say it is my fault that some people left internet and became religious as I can control something like that. But the thing is those people might not want to be friends with people that talk bad about other people, they might saw your right side, how you treated other people, I am not saying I am right and they are wrong, I am saying what I believe happen. But the thing is when I think about what has happen online, it is that I have always had to fight for myself, the others have been so afraid of fighting themselves so they have had more people to do the trash talk, the bad things, and I guess they have lied about me to people too, but honest I don’t care because when I say I don’t like that girl, I do have my reasons, I don’t have to tell them it should be okay just to say that. But what I don’t understand is that you pretend to be someone’s friend just so you don’t miss anything that is just silly, as I would say things open on facebook, twitter or whatever forum you want to talk about, I would keep my mouth close so they can’t betray me more as a human, and tell shite about me, if they don’t like me, just say I don’t think we can be friends anymore because I don’t like you for these reasons.

But nope people doesn’t do that, no idea why they want to choose the bad way and talk trash somehow the truth always comes out. Might be those you trust in that tells the persons what you have been saying, might be someone you never thought would say the things, I know that because people I don’t talk to have told me what people on for example facebook has said about me, I have even got mail from people I AM NOT friends with that has told me what certain people has said about me, and what they have said they have taken print screens, to show me, I never trust if anyone says like oh that person has said that about you.. You need to have proof if you are gonna tell me that.

Now to the thing, I think there will always be betray with friends, but I hope they will not be as bad as that girl I had in my real life. I hope people stop talking about me, because I don’t talk so much shit about people, but I do that sometimes but I just do it to people I trust in and I know for a fact they would never ever betray my trust, it takes time to make me trust in someone and for me to trust in you.

Well Yupa I hope you are happy with this… took some time to write actually because it was a hard subject to talk about. But here you have what I want to talk about this subject.

1 comment:

Jonas said...

Jag är ledsen för hur jag behandlade dig, hade jag inte gjort det kanske vi hade varit tillsammans fortfarande, jag inser hur mycket jag älskar dig, hur mycket du betyder.