Saturday, 12 February 2011

Well something you didn't know..

Today I am so darn happy I woke up to sunshine. But mostly because I have wind of change on my iTunes, always remind me of better times.

Anyway one friend of mine called Fredrik wants me to tell you all what I fall for in a guy, mostly because he loves me or likes me, but I don’t like him. This is so hard because honest I can only write those things I usually fall for well let me try to tell you. This blog will not be so long promise.

The first thing I do look at a lad is the arse if he has a bad arse I don’t tend to look at him anymore, so that is really important, but then I love blond, blue eyed guys they are so handsome in my eye. But strangely I have never ever been with one blond dude, hmm strange. Those things is what I actually look in a guy but the thing is when I want to have someone nothing of those things matters, because the most important thing is that he should have humor and really just be himself.

As I would never date a lad, that isn’t himself, or are unsure on himself, or my feelings for him. The thing is I just want people that make me happy, and make me feel good by the things I do. People say that I look for a guy that is rich but honest I don’t look for someone rich I look for someone that can understand me, because if he really know how I am I don’t really have to show the things I like, just do them, Like listen to someone else heartbeat, to lie down on the ground in a dark place and look up to the stars and just dream away, walk on the beach listen to the water. I would not want to have someone that doesn’t understand what those things means for me.

I don’t care if we have different interests but the thing is that some people want me to change so I can fit in more and be that girl that I don’t want to be, why would I want to be a girl that doesn’t know about things, I mean a stupid girl that doesn’t know about politics, economic, physics and mathematics?

So there you have the things Fredrik, that you so much want to know about, but the things are that I will never change myself for someone else, I will always know about politics, and the other things I know already. I like to read Shakespeare, Homeros and things about the history. I will ask certain people, why would you want to change me? You know that I was in the debate team, chess team, and physic team and in the math team in college and you where still my friend, and wanted me then now to the thing I might go in to the university again to read Latin just because I want to know that.

I want someone that supports me no matter what I do. I might go and read to a lawyer and then I feel sorry for my partner because the course will take ten years, but would I want to wait until I am 37 to make a family? So many questions but so little answer, I live for the day just.

1 comment:

Linus said...

Du tror att du kommer hitta någon som vill ha dig bara för att du skall kunna göra dessa saker. Det du faller för hos en annan kille är att han är en skitstövel!