Sunday, 29 January 2012


Okay Revenge is today’s subject, I will write loads of things you can do and probably what will happen and what the consequences are in those things.  Oh yeah I have never done those things I will write about but I have seen the things in close so I know they are true and what can happen, Always remember that it might not happen to you if you don’t get caught.

Revenge one this one is actually probably the worst thing ever, but also the worst thing to get caught doing because in the end you will lose everything you really don’t want to lose. Okay it started that a boy got dumped by a girl, and the girl had found someone knew and wanted to be with him, but this boy was more stubborn than anyone else I know. Anyway he decided to get the girl to fall for him once again and break her heart as she had done with his, he actually got the girl to fall for him and everything again, she dumped the new boyfriend to be with her ex him that she had broken one time before, anyway what he never realise was that he would fall in love with the girl again, and he really did fall hard again, well the thing was that the girl found out his revenge she dumped him with the words, you broke my heart as I broke yours so I guess we are even know, but the thing was that they never got to be the same again, she doesn’t trust anyone and he has still not forgot her, I really don’t know why he talked about his plan to others as he knew if she would found out that he had done that that he would lose her, maybe he wanted to lose her, as he never got over that she broke his heart as she did, in the first place.

Everyone that has been heartbroken has planned a revenge I have done that too, I mean I planned so many things that I really don’t know why I never did anything maybe it was because I was afraid of losing in the end, and I am glad I was the bigger person that kept my feelings in a box and really just healed in my own time, I know I get sad sometimes about being heartbroken but in the end I grow as a person and got stronger than ever, and I know that I have some people to think for that, all those that decided to break my heart, because today I am the person that smiles more than you do.

Revenge two this one is about a girl that decided to break her best friends heart because she found out one thing, this is probably one of the sickest thing I have ever seen in my life because it is not even okay, This was two best friends from the beginning you have to realise that they were with each other like sisters, anyway one of the girls dated a boy and they were together you can say, and the other girl was with them but then the girlfriend went to a holiday and her best friend hang out with her boyfriend and ofcourse they hooked up during those weeks that she was gone, anyway when she came home they kept their affair and hooked up as soon the friend realise they were together too, she dumped the boy and she was still friend with her best friend but of course she had a revenge in her mind, so to hurt her friend more than anything she started to hit on her brother that was older, and the thing was that the brother liked her without her knowing it, anyway they got together and she told her friend that she could go to hell and she didn’t want to be her friends anymore, and the thing is that she is still together with her brother but the thing is that her brother is not talking to his sister as he is taking his girlfriends side I know this is bad, but she got her revenge and she made her best friend lose her best friend in the en her own brother.

So this one is a revenge I have never done or seen so I have to guess what can happen here. The story is true but I have no idea what will happen if the person do get her revenge.
It is about a girl that thinks she has been together with a boy but they never have been together, according to the girl that thinks she has been in a relationship with this boy have missed that he loved another girl that he had his eyes on. Well there was a girl that liked a boy that liked her, but then it was a girl that liked the boy but the boy hated her, but he was nice to her as he didn’t want to be mean to anyone, and that made the situation so bad in the end.  The girl that thought she was with the boy is talking a lot to the girl he is together with today, and says lies, and those lies makes this girl really annoyed as she knows the truth about everything, anyway she also have been thinking to tell that girl the truth about the boy that he never loved her, that he only used her, in all ways she can imagine because he was afraid of telling the truth to her.  So what can happen if she really get her revenge and tell the girl that she has fantasy everything, I can see a lot of scenarios here,

The first is that the girl will tell her that she lies, and contact the boy to get out the truth and the boy will lie to her again and tell her that he did have feelings for her and the girl will look stupid as the girl will show her the things they have been talking about.

The other thing I can see is that the boy tells the truth but the girl will do something stupid and show everything he has been telling her to his girlfriend at the moment so she will get sad and more or less she will get her own revenge because she knows it will hurt the girl in the end to see things that they have been talking about, text messages, inboxes, mails and more or less real conversations too,

The third is that the boy breaks up with his girlfriend and leave her, and the other girl and both loses him as he is tired of them both as they always fight and can’t be friends, and he realise that he can be happier somewhere else.

Oh well what more do you can happen with the third revenge? Will everyone get hurt or will they be happy, do you get happy if you really get revenge on people, I don’t think so but sometimes I think it is good to think that you can get a revenge but you should be the grown up and don’t go through with it.

Hope you all have liked this one, and I know Bojana will love it it is not short and not too long, only 1242 words right now.


Thursday, 26 January 2012

Annoying people and hate..

I have realise that I get annoyed to easy about some things, oh well I have also realise that I hate one person, really bad to be honest.

Well what more can I say I am so happy, but I realise that I hate one person, and that person annoys me to death really, as soon as I see xxxxxx names I want to tell that person the truth about a lot of things, how that person is as a human, what that person has make up. Loads of things but in the end I always smile and ignore that person.

I really don’t want to hate anyone as it is not good to hate, but now I really do hate this person and the thing that annoys me the most is that that person lies to me always, and pretends to be all good, but that person isn’t that good as it seems to be. That person is false, lying and everything negative.

Oh well I get annoyed about many things but the thing that annoys me most is when people write one thing on example facebook and twitter then they have to delete what they say. I mean they can write things like this, I wonder why he choose that person over me, why as she is not as beautiful as me, she is an idiot. Okay I guess that person is just trying to get the best sides of everyone. But honestly if you delete something you have things you should work out, and that is with those people you talk about and not do it public on twitter or facebook.

I hope that some people start to take responsibility of what they do and start taking things serious, do talk to the other people that are involved in the things, not with other people, as they are not in the issue!  

Oh this was everything today, I know a short one..


Sunday, 22 January 2012

Family, friends, and boy- girl-friends relationships

What is important in a relationship? Friendship? Family?  I really know what it is and there for I will write about it, but you all have to remember that this is my views and everything.

Okay let me start with family, than, as you always have the family around you no matter what you do you can’t change your family, who you are deep down you are always the same person around your family.  Well you should always treat the people with respect and with loads of love, not because you have to because you want to show them how much you do appreciate them as your siblings, uncles, parents and stuff like that. When you do get your own family, and here I mean own kids, own husband or wife, you should treat them with all love in the world you can give. I believe that you will feel a different love for your own kids, it will change you as a person you will learn what fear is, you will learn what happiness is, you will learn to have strict rules, and if you get a daughter as a dad you will probably get loads of heart attacks. Well I think it is the same with your loved one, you should never leave the home without saying I love you, as you never know what will happen when you go out from the house when you are not around the person.

So than you have friendship, what is important in a friendship it is respect to respect your mate’s thoughts, your friend’s choices and everything that your friend do even if you don’t like it yourself.  Well what I want to say here, I mean I don’t always agree on my mate’s partner but as that friend are in love with that person I tend to try to see the best things in that person, as I know my friend why would they take a scumbag to be in their life? Well sometimes they do that but I always respect what they do, I can tell them my opinion on the person and I know my friend will listen to it, but in the end it is that person that decides who she wants to be with, the same is with my male mates they have their own choices I can’t make them choose a person and not to choose a person if I don’t like him/her. The other thing you should have in a friendship and it is the same with family really is honestly, if you aren’t honest to your friends and family you are the one that isn’t brave, the one that never stand for what you think as you can’t be honest.

Well I actually had a mate that told me that he didn’t want to be my friend as his so called girlfriend didn’t like me, and he asked me what he should do and all I said was to follow his own heart, if he want the girl he has to make sure we aren’t mates but the thing is that I will be your mate when you break up with her, as I could see that they two wouldn’t last as the girl was so jealous about his girl mates, anyway he choose the other girl, the only thing I did was to write a long arsed note to tell him my own opinion, and trust me when he saw that letter he really started to cry because he realise that I was a true mate that was going to wait for him, and when they broke up, I kept my world and was his mate and he sat down with me and we talked about the whole thing, and all he said was people are lucky to have you in their life, you are honest, you tell what you see and what you feel, but also you are the one that waits even if we others fucks up, just look at me I choose my girlfriend over you and in the end you are here to be my mate, and to help me get over her. I have to say that if I tell one thing I do keep my words, that is who I am and friends are something you can be again even if the other person fucks up, and I know this person would wait for me if I fucks up loads.

Now to the other thing that you need in a relationship it is the same things as in a friendship really, respect and honestly I mean you can’t have a great relationship if you are lying, if you are saying it is okay that he is with people you don’t like all you can say is the truth, but always remember you can’t make your partner cut out people from his life, you have to respect that he has mates and that you might not like them. I can only speak for myself, honestly what I have seen and learned I really don’t give a shite about who Michael is mates with as it is his own choice but I can always tell him that I don’t want a certain person in our home, as I don’t like that person oh yeah this is an example so everyone knows. The thing is that he has to respect my wish too, but he can be with the person as long as it is not in our home than.  The thing is that you should never lie in a relationship what kind of person are you if you are lying and not are yourself, as that will only show that the person you are with doesn’t know you at all. If you are a jealous person you should work on that, it is not healthy to be jealous, but you can always tell your partner that you are jealous but you are working on it if you are doing it. If you aren’t working on your jealousy do you really want to be with the person in the first place?

Well what more can I say about the thing you should always respect the other person as that person has feelings, you don’t know if you hurt that other person by being a bitch, being mean and everything like that. I have seen some things in my so called short life, but the worst thing I have ever seen is how jealous a person can be that is sick really sick. I mean how can you love a person if you are so jealous if he talks to other people that isn’t you, are you really that unsure about yourself? It is not good when you are looking at the other persons personal things, like say facebook, you are stalking his wall to see if any girl/boys have written to that person you like. You might have his/hers password, or you have really break it so you can go and see more things, like inbox and everything, I mean that only shows that you don’t respect the other person, and that you are just a STALKER that pretends to be in love. I mean you can be that sick that you go and look at his/hers mobile too, I just used facebook as an example.

Well I will end this blog with only one thing, always respect the other person and mostly be honest and you will get those things back.

Thanks for reading this, and please try to think about yourself and how you are as a friend, as a sister, and even as a partner.


Wednesday, 18 January 2012

People that bullshite really

Today I have been thinking why girls have the habit to speak bad about lads, and other woman, but it really hit me that I don’t have no clue about why we do it.

Today I saw the side of girls that I don’t like they are speaking shite about other people and mostly about their boyfriends, and boys that they like that have girlfriends.

So what more can I say when the girls says that boys should be so much better without lads, as we control them anyway, Eh that is not true at all we don’t control lads even if we think we do control them, I have realise that they really just say things to make us happy. Yes we do moan and things like that, we probably are like bitches to most people that we stand close.

I mean the thing is that most girls tends to speak trash behind your back, they can be your best mates and then they speaks so bad about you that you really it is annoying.  I mean they are meant to be your mates and then they speak badly about you to everyone, I mean that is not nice things they say about you.  I can tell you that I have heard everything I am probably one of the few that doesn’t speak bad about my mates and stuff like that, one moment there is one person I do speak bad about just because I really know what that person likes about me, and she is really annoying me to hell.

Well so what have I been hearing about myself and others, I will not tell who it is aim to but the thing is that you really start to thinking about everything.

So what are the things I have been hearing, oh yeah, I did shag this person last night, and you know what that person was not good at all, XXXX was not giving me the pleasure that I wanted to have, the answer to that thing was that boys are just morons that really use girls to get sex.

Than it was other things I have heard is oh she is so ugly and I am so beautiful so why do she have a boyfriend but not me? Is it because she is trying to make me jealous it doesn’t work, I promise I don’t care about her, oh yeah that is why you talk about her? Really pathetic if I have to say it myself, someone have to realise that trash talk comes out in the end.

Well the thing is that I heard Is that some girls steals boys but they really don’t steal him as it is the guy that choose the girl not the girl that makes him shows him, I mean you can’t really make any sense at all, I mean you don’t steal a person, It goes for boys too, a boy can’t steal a girl from another lad as she choose to be with him because she likes him.

Okay the other thing is that people are so full of bullshit and I am tired of it I hear It everywhere without meaning to hear it, I see it everywhere too, and it is so annoying really.

Well this is everything for me now.


Monday, 16 January 2012


So what have I been thinking about today? Really nothing special there is the first lie today, well I have been thinking about loads things, but as people know I am extremely happy and that I have love to thank.

So what is so special with being this much in love is probably that you can go to that person and really tell everything and somehow they know what to say to make you smile again or even worse tell you that things will get better and they get better. Well I have been unhappy in love, I have had people hating me just because I did fall in love, I have been bullied I can count really many bad things that has happen to my life but no bad thing beats the good things I have had in my life, and do have in my life.

I have the worlds sweetest fiancĂ©e and he really makes me smile, so when I sit on meetings I tend to daydream about the big day that will come, yeah the thing is that I can’t really concentrate concretely I feel so young when I think about the things I think sometimes, but really I should listen to the meetings but they tend to be so boring that I just keep daydreaming of better things.

I know that people always say that you are too young to have felt how it is to get your heartbroken, yeah I actually got told that today by an old lady, and all I said to her, I did get my heart broken. I really have had my heart broken, and when I think about that period of my life I really just wanted to be in bed, crying and make myself go away from this earth, yeah I really had lots of thoughts, but then I had some friends that helped me maybe not in the best way but they did help me in their own way. Jonas the idiot helped me realise that you have to be yourself every single time. Some other made me realise that if that person can’t see how wonderful, loving I am he isn’t worth me, the thing was not that I did get my heart broken it was the people that was around the thing, that knew I was heartbroken and they didn’t help me at all.

Now those people say they helped me realise that the person didn’t love me, he hated me, oh yeah I remember those words you said. Life has many surprises and I am thankful for that. When you have got your heartbroken truly you really start thinking in a different way, as my mates tells me Johanna you are the strongest, most ego stubborn person I know, if you say that you will get something you will get that, as you never give up. I guess that is true in some ways, the only thing I can think of is that I am actually so proud of who I am. If I say something I actually mean it, I hate people that aren’t honest.

So even if bad things happen they have a reason, every bad thing that has happen has made me so much stronger, even the heart broken made me so much stronger. When I think back I am happy I got to have that, as it was the reason I found myself I was a bit lost, thanks to so many reasons, but why the hell did I get so hated or what you want to call it.

That is something I have been thinking about maybe it is because I am honest that I tell what I think and act like I say? Or are people just jealous that I smile no matter what and really don’t pay that much attention okay I know that I do pay attention but I don’t show it out, as I never ever want someone to use my weakness, as I do have those too, and that is one thing I learn to not show when I got bullied, not to show how you feel in the end.

The thing is that I have a new life to plan, well what I mean with new life is that I am going slowly to start planning my life with Michael, the wedding, but even more things to come, and honestly I can’t give a shite about you who talks shite about me, that think that I stole someone, that I am not in love, all those things are anyway false.

Always dream because one day it will come true somehow everything is turning out to the best thing in the end. 


Friday, 13 January 2012

Jealousy and Hitting

So today I will actually talk about jealousy and hitting, as I know those two subjects have something in common.

I have chosen two picture that is related to this subject. 

Anyway what I want to say with this picture is that jealousy is something we all feel sometimes, even when we are kids. This picture actually proves it so well I mean the other girl gets the kiss from the boy and she feels jealous that she isn't the person that gets the kiss. I know I don't make any sense as always. But what I mean even the best person can get unsure, and get really jealous. 

Well the thing is that sometimes you get so jealous on your partner, ex and friends that you feel that you want to give them the worst bitch slap ever and just hit them until you feel better. I know this as I have felt it not my proudest moment but the thing is that I never hit the other person, I know I should have done it as that person was rubbing the thing in my face. But all I am proud of is that I found the strength to keep calm, what kind of person would I have been if I was fighting with my friend over a boy. The worst friend ever I guess, but the thing is that I do respect don't take your mates ex boyfriends, and all that but some people really don't respect that. 

Well the thing is that people never get why I can let my partner have so many girl mates,  why can't he be friends with who he wants with? I mean deep down I know it is me he has his eye for, and why would I get jealous over that? It is good that we have our own friends or own interests, you should always think would you want your partner to decided who you can be friends with and not. The only thing I really ask from my partner is to not be friends with his ex girlfriends, as they have had feelings for that person, in one point and I really don't want to get remind that he has been kissing her, hugged her and all that, that is probably the only thing that can make me go madly jealous to get all those feelings that I would punch the other person to the other side of the country or other place in this world. 

I have seen so many jealous people in my life, many of my friends has been telling me that I can't be friends with my mate's girlfriends as they are secretly in love with the person and haven't the guts to tell him that. But I can see where the jealousy comes in some cases. As this case, and yes I asked my mate if I could use this an example so she knows about it and I will use her real name too, and I have asked the boy too and he has said okay too but I have to use his name with a different name anyway. 

Maria, was inlove with Jonas. Well she told him that she loved him and she used that " I love you" the thing was that Jonas told her I love you too, but he never loved her, he actually loved someone else and had a flirt with her in the same moment as he played Maria. Anyway the thing was that Maria found out of the other girl and she became madly jealous all she did was to destroy for Jonas and that girl that he talked to, but in the end Jonas told Maria the truth and said that he had never loved her, and that he loved that other girl, everything was good for like two days and Maria told everyone that knew her and Jonas that we had to be her friends and support her, and that we should make the new girl feel unwelcome as she was still jealous. 

Well then one time they all got to the same party and Maria came up with a brilliant idea according to her, and that was to tell that new girl what Jonas had told her, and trust me she went to the pc and printed out everything when he has told her I love you and all that, the thing was that she actually broke them up and she felt so good, but what she never knew was that she lost the boy she loved because she acted like that, but she never saw how she acted as she thought it was okay.  

The thing is when you act in jealousy you really don't know what you do, but you know that what you do is extremely wrong, I really can't understand why people are jealous as they really just show that they are really unsure deep down on them self. 

When you ask me what should I do, I would answer FORGET THAT PERSON, and move on, I know it is hard, I know your heart needs to heal, and everything because how funny is it to get your heart broken, it is not okay, so there for you should try to move on as you are only getting your heart more broken when you are dreaming about the person you can't get. 

oh well I might write about love and unhappy love again, as I really have more to say about it. 


Thursday, 12 January 2012

Well just something really

Really have been lazy with my blog lately but I have been busy thinking of loads of stuff really. The things that bug me is nothing that is a problem really I mean there are so many other problems in the world when you start to think closely.

Well my biggest problem is probably that I have no power, might not be the right word but anyway, I feel so depressed to be here in the dark, really it is so dark here right now, and I feel lost with everything right now, somehow I know I have it so good, that I am waiting that something bad will happen. Since when have I had this much luck? Never, well it has probably changed, as I have something that no one else have and that is my stubbornness I mean if I say that I will do something I really put my mind to it, so I will actually put all my attention to get up from this dark hole I am in right now.

This will not make any sense at all for those that know me, those that know the real Johanna. But I have finally realise that money doesn’t make you happy but it makes life so much easier, I mean you get a different respect from people, but if you are rich and I mean with loads of money on the bank you would be scared that someone would hurt you more than you are feeling when you are poor. Well I wish that the government in Sweden would change some things that we have in our country as some people doesn’t have it that good here in our own country, but yet we have to give money to Africa, Asia and other places, they should really help their own people.

Well what more have I been thinking, I realise that my friends always comes to me when they need help, or something else in help way, somehow I should know laws, be a psychology and more or less know everything, doesn’t really matter who ask me, but the thing is that it kills me when they ask me and I really don’t know what to tell them, because they need help always are they coming in the last minute, and the problem is so huge than I feel hopeless but somehow I have helped everyone as I am that person that knows how to help my friends. But when I want to talk, and I mean to just talk about how I feel about things they aren’t that good to listen, they would never realise that I am scared when I am alone in the dark, Yeah I am afraid, because I know that the dark brings bad memories, but when I am trying to find my own solutions I can’t find them, why is it that I can help everyone else but not myself?

I have faith in myself, but when it comes to things that actually I can’t fix with myself and I feel when I talk about it my mates are always turning their backs away, or want to be them with problem. Who can I tell that I wake up with pain, that all I want is to be in bed crying because I have that much pain, I know that you can never understand how painful it is to sometimes feel your own heart beat so powerful that you actually can’t stand or sit, or when you are feeling the panic that you can’t get enough of air, I do feel all those things, but I can’t find the solution to those things.  Well there is one thing I am not afraid of and that is death. I can actually speak about it how I would want my funeral to be, but the thing is that I will not die not yet, I want to see some things before, achieve some goals and loads of more things.

I know I should try to talk to my friends make them understand that I am hurting but would they listen?

Well the other thing that I will start to talk about is actually everything that you can be thinking of talking but I will probably not be blogging every day, I have other things to do in my life.

I will try to write a book about how it is to be me, with my problems and how I see everything about my heart disease, and my own feelings about it.

Well this was all for now.


Saturday, 7 January 2012

Been thinking

So I have been thinking what I can write in my blog and there is loads of things, I can write about how I want a friend to be, how I feel at the moment, my opinions, and everything, but honestly how many would understand if I speak about them, and how they are as a person without naming them probably just a few ones.

So the things a my blog will be about today is probably about those false friends that you probably have in your friends, but they would never admit that they are those people.

Anyway why would some people say they like you as a mate, even say love you and as soon as you aren't there they start to trash talk you to everyone? I mean if you are a real mate wouldn't you be honest and tell me that you don't like me, but you want to be my mate because you want to use me for some people that I know that you want to have in your life? What I have learned about mates they never or pretty much never stand for what they say, I mean I can ask everyone that reads my blog, have you been trash talking me, or talked bad about me? And everyone would say no I haven't I love you to much for that.

But you do have some friends that would tell you the truth always, no mater what, even if you have an ugly shirt, trousers or even if you are talking to much about other people, things like that. Those people is the true mates, not them that never really tends to tell you the truth when you ask them things.

I mean I heard one person trash talk me funnily to my sister, as I was standing to close and when I said stop talking about me to my sister and say it to me, that person denied that she had been talking about me, and honestly it was more people that had heard this and said stand for what you said, and Johanna did hear what you said, but in the end I was the person that got all the blame from this persons mother. Funny thing was that she said something like this: Johanna have you lost your ears, I will talk to you mother about you how mean you are and talking trash about my daughter. All I answer was with a fuck you, and tell my mother everything do you think she will believe you when I will tell her to call everyone that heard what your daughter said about me, the mum dropped her speech when I said that, so proud of myself.

All you should be in a friendship is honest, otherwise you don't have a real friendship, and if you think your mate is on the wrong road you should tell him/her that but in the end it is the mate that decides what she/him will do and you have to support him no matter what.

- Jo

Thursday, 5 January 2012

New year :D

So now it is 2012 and this year has started so good, really to good to be true. Well this year will be loads of things to do really.

Well the first thing I have to do is to start thinking what I would want to have on my wedding, like flowers, food, but what kind of dress I want to wear, things like that, just planning as I don't know when I will get married, but it will not be 2012 at least so much I know.  Well I have some ideas how I want the wedding to be, and what I want but as I will just do this once, I want the perfect wedding, and with perfect I have to think what I really want and of course talk with Michael about the things, I mean he might not want red roses, or pink roses, well the thing is that you have to think about the other person too. You can't just think everything will be great and that when the other person might hate it. Well wedding things will be on thinking stage this year.

The other thing I have to start doing is to clean out the wardrobe as we will move in together later on this year, well middle of the year, anyway I can't really just have 4 wardrobes on my own, and a chest of drawers full of clothes, maybe I have to much, probably, well two to him and the rest to me sweet and awesome good. Well the thing is that I want to make the flat more for both of us, as he might not like everything I have in there, and he has to put his own things there too, what he will have with him I have no clue really, as I am not lying when I say this I have everything already.

Oh yeah I have to start planning for university again, if I come in, and trust me it will be expensive and all that with the books to that course I would start reading, not telling you yet what it is as I will apply to it, and maybe something else. but I am not sure yet about the other courses and that. maybe I have to go too another town but you really don't know anything before you have tried to apply to the course.

What more do I have to plan this year, I really don't know but I know it will probably be more things, than just this, that I have named here. Well what more can I say..

Oh I will try to stop going to Mcdonald's and things like that to save up money for the wedding, maybe I will save small money but at least it would be some money for the wedding things, that I will have someday in the future.

Oh yeah my niece thinks I will get married on Christmas this year, but there she is wrong, because I can tell you that much that we will NOT get married this year would be to hard to plan everything to fast as I want the perfect wedding.

this will be all for this post.


Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Christmas, New years eve :D

So I am going to write a blog about my Christmas holidays, and New Years Eve and probably more things, I haven’t made my mind up.

So let me start with Christmas eve than, I woke up to my niece telling me that Santa had been in our house, yeah we do celebrate Christmas on the 24th of December in the Scandinavian countries.  Well the thing was that I was so damn happy as I was with my boyfriend Michael we spend Christmas together this year. Well than we went to eat breakfast as we had a nice breakfast my mum had made us that, well then when we went back to the room where we slept Michael asked me to close my eyes, and sit down in the bed.
Trust me it was really strange to be asked to do that, while I heard him do things but as I had my eyes close was really hard to be sitting with close eyes, but then he asked me to open them up and he showed me the nicest ring ever, and asked me “Johanna do you want to get married to me” trust me it was really sweet, and I said Yes, and he kissed me on the mouth and smiled, really was the best day of my life.
Well Christmas was really nice, I got so many sweet things as gifts but honestly nothing beats the nicest ring ever, it is in gold, with a rubin stone, and diamonds around the rubin stone, I really am smiling when I am thinking about Michael and how happy he has made me.

Well New Years Eve started really good, I went to the store with Michael to get the ingredients for a pizza that we were going to do. Just let me  tell everyone that was the best pizza I have ever done, was with cheese, ham, pepper, mince, and tomato sauces, onion and maybe one more ingredient but I am not sure, well it was really good, and was so damn nice to eat. Well what more did we do we watched some cartons and telly, ice hockey was really nice could not have been better, but when it turned midnight, I got the best kiss from my fiancĂ©e it was really so nice.

I hope that I can start to get to write a blog this year; anyway I will try to update it from time to time.

-          Jo