Sunday, 11 December 2011

unhappy love I guess

Today I will talk about unhappy love I guess, but more or less I will talk about how girls can become when they are in love with someone, I really have never figure out how boys and girls can be so different in that.

Well the thing is that girls tend to start to write the boys name on papers, trust me I am not better myself. I wrote nick carter in so many things that I am ashamed when I think back on that. I am happy I never have done that with a real boy that would have freaked me out to much really. But I remember my mate she wrote the boys name, all over the papers, and her name with his last name, but I don’t think he never liked her, and that was the biggest problem in her world. How she would get him to like her.

I know we girls gets a bit annoying when we get in love and the boy don’t like us, as we speak 99 % of the time about him, how much we like him and everything. But when we talk to girls about it they don’t care as much as a boy do they just say right out shut up now please, talk about something else. Really we can’t speak about anything else, as that is what goes in our head, what he are doing, who he is talking to, do he like me, things like that.

I mean I know we girls gets nuts when we are in love but the thing is we are so much easier to get out if we are in love if you ask your mates that is lads, they just say, whatever, who cares about love. I mean do they get as love as we do, get unhappy in love. I think they do that but they are too proud to tell their girl mates that they are in love, as they might be as I am. I try my best to figure out if the other person likes them, I mean I do it with girls too, so let’s say that Max likes Nicole, I would try to find out who Nicole likes, I should probably stop with that as they always want to kill me in the end.

So what more can I say, about girls, oh we have those that actually think that their crush loves them and they start to freak out on everything, even a single wrong step the lad does and she would be acting like the jealous bitch as we tend to become. Well the thing that we get jealous as we are unsure about the feelings he feels for us, but mostly because we girls never think we are the hottest ones, we tend to think we are always more uglier than we are. I mean I can look at other girls and think she is much nice looking then I am, but then I always remember what I do like about myself and start feeling better.

Well why do we think so low about ourselves that we get so jealous, and all that, because the lads never gives the reason for us to feel completely safe in his arms, the trust and everything like that. The other reason can be that the lad has been cheating with you on his last girlfriend, we tend to think that the lad can do it to us too if he has done it before.

Well then we have those girls that want the bad boy and they never want to see the good lads, that this world has to offer, I mean one of my friends always tends to find boys that makes her feel like she is the lowing creature in this world, they tell her how fat she is, trust me when I say this she is not fat at all. They tell her you can’t be friend with that person, or that, they try to get her away from her family. They hit her, they make her feel like she is not attractive I know people think we should tell her all that and we have done that but she just say I love him.

I do envy one of my mates, she has never given up about love and she has been hurt so many times, and still she always fall in love as soon as someone is nice to her, and she have had lots of boyfriends but she always says to me if you don’t try how would you know if he truly loves you. She has a good point there, but I am happy I have Michael and that I was brave enough to tell him the biggest words in my whole life I love you Michael, I was really lucky that he felt the same and I am so happy today, and yeah I was thinking of my mate how many times she has got hurt, and how brave she is.

Sometimes you have to fall to rise again.. 


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