Sunday, 30 January 2011

You can call me a racist but now I don’t care for fuck sake, I am online on my facebook chat and honest there are only boys that are Muslims that bothers me.

Now to the point most of them thing they say that you are their sweetheart but excuse me I would never ever be together with a muslim sorry to tell you that, oh wait now I am a racist. Gotta love when they say you are that because you don’t want to be with them. Honest if I didn’t have Michael I would never ever look at a muslim either, this is something my real friends know.
Here are my reasons for not dating a Muslim!

- We don’t have the same faith and that is the huge reason they don’t understand what Christian faith is about!

- They think they are hot but honest I don’t know any hot muslim dude :S sorry to say that but this I have thought about for a long time! No hot dudes are a muslim, they are to hairy and have chest hair EOW !

- They think they own the world -.-‘and some muslims has really told me that I am a girl to fuck BECAUSE I have blond hair! Oh yeah gotta love that reason.. I am proud of being blond.

- I don’t want to get together with someone that isn’t from north Europe really so
everyone under Germany is probably bye bye xD I can tho date some from the alps.

Since when have the boys become like the muslims boys are, saying things like, I love you, I want to fuck you, I want to marry you, marry me and keep your lesbian relationship all I want is to get in to your country, oh or marry me and you will get a good life, as I would have a good life if I marry a muslim, never!

I am really faithful to my own religion, that is about God and Jesus, that jesus was our saver, that saved us from the badness! I would never believe in Allah or Mohammed -.-‘
I just want them to respect that everyone isn’t a muslim, and I don’t want to hear about the fucking allah -.-‘ that pisses me off more than anything cause I believe in different things!
Some muslim guys are good, like those that doesn’t think you are a whore because you aren’t a muslim, or talk to you like you are a human being. Honest why would I want to marry someone that doesn’t see his girl as the most important thing in this world, cause all I see that muslims are doing to woman is that they beat them, they let them be hungry if they don’t listen to the man. And why can’t the woman and the man pray in the same room? Why should men be worth more than a woman? Oh yeah that is something I really want to look forward to be, down in the ground, I know one that was not inlove with her husband but her parents change her for money so she will get married to a muslim dude, and not a SWEDISH boy cause that would have been bad, but anyway she talked that her own husband make her have sex when she doesn’t want to have it, and if she says no he beats her up! Oh even she tells me that I should run to the end of the world if someone that is a muslim hits on me, cause they are only for trouble. She wants me to look at her and remember that she always will love a Swedish dude, that her parents chased away, and if she meets him she might get killed -.-‘

I wonder if a muslim boy, would love their own daughter since they never love their woman, they only use her, honest I think the pig would even be higher than a woman >_< that says a lot! Now I think I should end this moaning blog, with a short thing.

I would rather be happy if the boy that is a muslim doesn’t hit on me, because you always say things that I don’t like them at all! I am happy with my boyfriend I have and that is one keeper I say…

I know people will think I am a racist, but I am far from it and I don't care if you think I am that, cause I know the truth in the end. I hate lots of things and this is only one thing that I hate more than anything..

Please have Egypt in your thoughts; I am worried about my friends there.
Peace out!


George Quarton said...

Apart from the mass generalising (which isn't a problem, just stating) it is quite an interesting read.

Johanna said...

Well I have only muslims and some guys from Asia, none from Europe, south or north america ;) so I can Generalize them :)

Milesy2010 said...

I love mass generalising <3