Really why are people like they are? I was thinking how people treat each other. Some girls are trying to make the other one jealous to what prize? What the hell is wrong with people these days, never respect the other person!
People tell me that I am jealous yeah I am that in some things, but if my partner talks to other girls I don’t give a shit honest that is his choice and he should be able to have whoever he wants as a friend with. If that is some chicks so fine, in the end he is coming home to me, to my bed, have his arms around me, hug me and kiss me. So honest I don’t see the reason to be jealous of his girl mates, I know how much he loves me.
But I would want others to respect that we are together! That is the thing there will always be some idiot that doesn’t respect that he is mine, or that I am his. Honest I would never cheat on my partner he is the best thing that has happen to me, honest I know I can look like a total retarded person on cam with him and he still loves me.
I wonder how girls would react when he asks me to get married to him, because I know that day will come when he asks me to become his wonderful wife. Honest when that day comes I will scream out YES I WANT TO GET MARRIED TO YOU! I would be the proudest person alive and honest it would be worth to see some faces, when they will be like what the fuck did I miss?
Well would they respect that he is mine when we are engage? I don’t think so but then I don’t think the lads would respect that I am with him, honest some lads are really stupid. They can really scare me lots. When they don’t respect me as a human being I mean I tell them that I don’t want to be with them and yet they try to get me, hello time to wake up I am taken and honest I am just waiting for one special day. Can you all guess what it is?
Still the only thing I want is that people will respect that two people are inlove and you can’t change that, feelings is something that grows, and they can really come in the strangest way! Honest I know that. When I realize that I had feelings for Michael I think I would go crazy mostly because I was asking myself do he feels the same? But did I ask him what he felt?
Probably not, stupid as I am, now he knows me better than anyone else, and girls I do know him better than you. So don’t even try to say I don’t know him because I do know him.
Oh I lost my thought I blame my handsome sexy boyfriend for that since we are camming at the same time, oh yeah he is sexy. Oh I do remember what I was going to say haha stupid me, was going to tell you when he smiles, my world stops for some seconds , that smile is the world’s most beautiful smile ever, he beats mine too.
Well all I want to ask every girl is to respect that me and Michael are together and don’t hit on him, because I might get really pissed off at you and talk to you and that wouldn’t be nice to you that is one promise I can promise and I would keep. If not Michael stops me…
Anyway I wish people would respect things, and that they aren’t jealous that I have the most loving boyfriend in this world. Trust me when I say that he is that. I will end this blog with only one nice sentence.
I love you Michael J. G. Miles, you make me smile so much and I want you forever!
I love you so much too Johanna, and all of the above is true.. <3
You know what I feel for you Michael, and I know that is why I talk about it <3
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