Friday, 14 January 2011

Stupid girls really,

Okay this is something I really think is funny we girls are so stupid sometimes; you actually start to laugh when you start to think about the things the other girls do to you and what you do to them.

Now to the thing, I remember when I liked a boy and my best friend liked him too I really spoke so much shit about my best friend to that lad, oh my god when I think about it is so bad but eh I did like that boy so much, the funny thing was that he choose my friend in the end. He really didn’t believe in me thank god for that, because I didn’t say the nicest things about her, but she trashed talked me too so I guess it is fair in the end. I was 13 when this happen but I remember this as it was yesterday. But the funniest thing is probably that me and her are still good mates but not the best anymore. Because she wants me to be with someone I don’t want to be with. Dilemma

The thing is does this really end sometimes I mean, about girls stupidity to other girls, they always talk bad about someone else because they want to feel better than the other person, but in the end you never feel better you just feel worse.

Why would you want to be jealous at someone, because one boy likes another girl? We girls should try to remember that boys are a human being too that has feelings, and when we start to freak out as we do, I wonder if boys really sees what is going on? Would they see when the other girls start to trash talk the other one? When they play out the other girl? When we start to sneak around things to make the other girl look bad? To be honest I don’t think boys really know what is going on, but you don’t know honest because some of them are smart ones.

These days I try not to do as I did when I was younger because I can remember how I felt when I had done the things, I helped lots of my friends to manipulate the boy to like my friend and make him start to hate the other person, I know I am ashamed of what I did because it was nothing wrong with the other girl, most of the times she was really nice and lovely and when you start to think back the boy would probably had it much better with the other girl, but you will always help your own friend more than someone else.

These days I really have got many girls against me but I don’t care what they do to me, because I know there is jealousy behind the thing, or that they are unsure about the boy that they like, or that they simply don’t like me because other people like me as a individual and I would never stop to be myself. I know that people that I am friends with will see the real Johanna, the person behind the trash talk.

The thing is that I always say that I look bad, and that I am not sexy, that no boys likes me, because I want to make my other girl mates feel better, because if they would know the truth they would just start to moan about that boys likes me more than them. Honest I know I am good looking, I have a smile that makes boys weak at least most of the boys here that I know. Eyes that are so light blue that they drown in. I know I am sexy because boys always keep telling me that, they love my personality because I am crazy but deep down I am so shy that only a few person has seen the real Johanna, that Johanna that wants to hide from the world because she becomes a little girl. The only person that has seen that Johanna for the last five years is Michael he really gets out the real person I am.

But mostly girls are stupid to each other because they want to feel better, I can confess I do get jealous, I am not perfect, I do talk bad about others, but I try to give compliments to my mates so they will feel a bit better. In the end you should respect if a lad has a girl that he likes and don’t destroy it because it will come one day when you have a boyfriend, husband etc that someone else like and for god sake he loves you if he is with you, and don’t talk trash about the girl he likes because that will make him hate you, it starts slowly I have seen this happen lots of times, I made a boy hate me so much that I lost him as a friend, even today when I see him I can see the hate in his eyes. Honest that is the worst feeling I have ever had, when he looks at me I am dead for him, but I am alive standing beside him, and I can’t change the things I have done. I made his fiancĂ©e so unsure about him that she left him, and when I told the truth about him and her she just gave me a bitchslap and said stay away from others relationships, but she never wanted him back because she said I destroyed the trust she had for him.

In the end I am happy with the person I have become today, I have learn to respect the lads feelings. Because in the end it is him who choose if he wants a girl or not!

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Love you all !

/ Johanna

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