I am so sick of my friends here in Sweden they bug me to get married to get kids, hey I am only 26 years old why rush to a marriage. If I had got married in the age of 18-20 it wouldn’t have last look at my friends they either are engage for the 2: nd time and going to get married again, or divorced with kids alone. Why rush to something that should be something that last forever!
Marriage is something you should share with the other person no matter what you shouldn’t cheat like some of my friends have done… Or get divorced if you don’t get along and fight because you don’t think the same thing over a wall paper you really have to breathe one more time to realize that that is a silly fight that makes you unhappy! Well if you get married you should love the person more than anything that person should be able to make you smile, and make you feel better but also to tell you when you are wrong, and lost, to make you on the right path again.
Now to my friend that thinks I am unhappy with my life you are so wrong because I have found that one that I know that I can share anything with, tell him anything, argue and still know that he loves me more than anything, I can’t wait until we move together and start to fight over a wall paper mostly it will be that I get pissed because I know he would just say: Babe, choose what you like I don’t care, but I want him to care so I will get annoyed more because he wants me to be happy.
Honest I have never seen a lad like he is, I can show him wedding dresses and he really say what he thinks about them, he says that I would look like a princesses in them and look adorable, like an angel. Honest I thought boys was afraid to talk about marriage and weddings but he isn’t he really tells me if he likes the dress or not. That is really good because if we end up getting married I know what king of dress I should choose to make him feel proud of me to becoming his wife. Marriages should be a celebration of the love between two people and not to be a show, I was on my friend’s wedding not long time ago and trust me they had guests around 500 people to just being showed out as I am getting married in a Vera W. dress and you can’t beat my marriage and oh well they are getting a divorce now it lasted six months honest was that a celebration to the love that they shared?
Yes I have realized that I am a lucky girl in the end, I have someone that makes me smile lots and makes me feel like I am the only human alive on this earth, I have some close friends and if I get married sometimes I know who is going to be my maid of honor, which will be Anna she is an awesome person that really know who I am.
Me and Anna haven’t had the easiest road it has been funny and had some sadness but in the end she is one of the people I have become so close that I would really get my lazy arse to her if she was in trouble or in pain, she would never lose me as a friend. I want her in my life for a long time. I hope you know that Anna.
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