Saturday, 8 January 2011

I love you Michael

I hate that I really love you so much, because when you aren’t around to speak to me I feel lost and miss you so much that it feels like I have a hole in my heart but it is whole. I think I realize what love is about when I think about you. This is the thing that I don’t use to talk about so much, because it is hard to speak about.

Well this is going back to you again, you are the reason I smile more than anything. I love how you make me feel how you know me as a person. I really should be saying thank you so much for loving me, so much, to make me feel like I feel. I really hope that you know how much I love you, how much I need you, how much of an inspiration you are for me. You are all that I want to be all that I want to become.

You are an angel send from heaven, and I hope god doesn’t take you away for a long time, because I love you so much and I hope that I can be an inspiration to you. I want to spend my life with you because you have taught me so much about love and how you should be as a person.

Feelings aren’t the easiest thing to show and express so when I see you I will look in to your wonderful green eyes and say how much you mean for me, how much I love you, how much I need you, how much I miss you. I want to see you smile because when you smile my world stops and I feel that I am the luckiest girl in this world.

I am so proud of having you in my life, having your love, and to be honest I hope that that never stops. You have my heart and I hope that I have yours as you have mine.

I know what I want, and in the end I can only hope that you want the same, because I love you so much Michael, I want you to be beside me forever because then I can look back on my life knowing that I have known what love is all about, and had the most handsomest guy in this world.
Call this what you want but this is my feelings for you Michael, and they will never end

Thank you Michael for letting me love you, and you have my heart forever..



Jonas said...

Måste säga att jag tycker att du är full av skitsnack Johanna, du vet inte vad kärlek är förnågot!

Linus said...

Fattar inte hur han kan ha lurat dig så mycket så att du tror att han älskar dig tillbaka...

Milesy2010 said...

Guys, you both sound extremely jealous, and I wonder why. You both sound so sad, can't you get over that we love each other? Are you jealous? Do you have no life? Do you have nothing better to do in life?

Seriously, move on, she has put that to you quite clearly. You're both rather sad to be pestering a girl who has moved on from the both of you. Sorry to butt in ^_^

Johanna said...

Jonas get lost.

Linus go to hell..

Michael <3

Anonymous said...

Jag förstår hur du känner Johanna, du anar inte hur det känns att tänka på dig när du inte ens vill ha mig som din pojkvän.

Jag ser hur du ler men du ler inte för att jag får dig att le.

Jag vill hålla dig om kvällarna och få dig att le och se in till dina vackra blå ögon och berätta hur mycket jag älskar dig.

Varför kan du inte älska mig, som jag älskar dig?

/ F

Milesy2010 said...

Because, "Anonymous", she is mine, does any person here not understand that?

Johanna said...

Idiots don't understand things Michael...

Anonymous said...

Milesy2010 du säger att hon är din, men jag har inte sett dig med henne.

Milesy2010 said...

"Anonymous", have you even seen her? Anyway, be sure to check next month, when she is with me ^_^

jonas said...

Linus och annonym slår vad om att han inte kommer. Johanna var beredd på att bli besviken.

Milesy2010 said...

Don't you worry, tickets are being booked within the week =]

Linus said...

Hahaha ojdå killar vi får se till att inte han ser oss så han måste bevisa att han är en matcho kille

Johanna said...

Really Mature to fight on my blog Linus, Jonas and Idiot guy that is anonymous!

Milesy2010 said...

Haha, I have nothing to prove, you three, on the other hand do, you need to prove you can grow up and mature.. Really childish.. I shall now get back to entertaining Johanna ^_^

Jonas said...

Det enda jag tänker säga är att Michael kan inte älska Johanna, och Johanna kan inte älska Michael så enkelt är det!

Milesy2010 said...

I'd love to hear your reasons for that, but I really can't be arsed, you're insignificant and Johanna and I bid you a good night and fuck off =]

Jonas said...

Bla bla bla skitsnack ifrån dig. Det är vi som plockar Johanna när hon går i sönder

Anonymous said...

Johanna glad att du har hittat någon som får det att le.

Anonymous said...

you are all funny xD
you two (Jonas and Linus) are trying to be interesting but you are quite boring and annoying and you Milesy are trying to be whatever you are trying to be but you are just waisting your time on them. All in all Johanna is the one that decides whether she will or won't love Michael.

Milesy2010 said...

I'm not trying to be anything other than protective of Jo because of them two idiots who are rather jealous.

They're jealous and scared, rather funny to watch actually.

Jonas said...

okej du som gömmer dig bakom anonymitetet och kritiserar mig är bara feg, du känner inte Johanna alls. Om du nu gjorde det skulle du veta vad jag talar om!

michael: tror nog att det är du som är svart sjuk kom ihåg att Johanna fortfarande har kontakt med mig, och jag är hennes första kärlek, sug på den du ;) du kommer aldrig att vinna Johannas hjärta som jag hade det.

Jag är inte svartsjuk, men jag känner Johanna bäst av alla. Det finns ingen som slår mig på henne!

Milesy2010 said...

She has contact with me, your point? Also, to say "I was her first love" is rather irrelevant, all that shows is you knew her first, it means nothing else.

Also, you say you "had" Johanna's heart, yes, you had it, but now I have it, that shows she's moved on from the mistakes she made in the past, the biggest mistake being with you.

You say you know Johanna the best, I can tell you that I know her far better than you, even she would back me up on this, there are things I know about her that you can't even begin to imagine.

Jonas said...

Ja du Michael du kankse inte gillar att hon har kontakt med sin första kärlek!

Ja jag hade Johannas hjärta och jag kommer alltid att finnas där. Vilket du inte kan ändra på!

Ja du, jag känner Johanna bättre än vad du gör, jag vet hur hennes kroppsspråk säger, hur hon mår genom att bara prata med henne! Mer än vad du vet

Milesy2010 said...

That is where you are wrong. I don't care who she speaks to, I'm not like you, I'm not possessive, you're worried that she loves me and you are going to lose her, hence the reason why you are here, otherwise why else would you comment on a blog about her love for me?

You "had", it's past tense, she has moved on.

So you think? So do I, I can tell just by how she types, how she is feeling. I can look into her eyes and know how she is feeling. You just assume how she is feeling.

Jonas said...

Varför skulle jag vara rädd för dig.. hon väljer den som är rätt för henne, så hittar hon någon som är bättre än dig kommer hon att välja honom!

är du säker att hon älskar dig?

Du känner inte Johanna så enkelt är det!

not anonymous :) said...

Well dumb idiot(Jonas)first even if I say to you who I am that wouldn't change a thing. You still wouldn't know me.
Second how do you know whether I know Johanna or not? How do you know what I do know and what I don't know? Don't assume nor think, your brain might blow because it's not quite used to think :)
And third I could say that yourself have no clue what are you talking about so how would I know :P ;)
Have a nice day =)

Jonas said...

you are still hiding your idiot!

not anonymus :) said...

hahaha OMG please could you write proper English.
I think you meant to say: "You are still hiding you idiot", or " You are still hiding and you're idiot". Anyway I am someone you don't know. :)

Jonas said...

Förstår inte dig inte Johanna hur du kan sjunka dig så lågt att först att vilja ha idioten Michael! Sen att du har den jävla fittpersonen som kommenterar annonymt!

again not anonymous :) with love to Jonas (A) said...

ok you "trying to be smart but always get to be more stupid" if you consider yourself a normal person you would just BUZZ OFF. But as you are NOT then you keep saying whatever you want.
I have nothing to do with Johanna or Milesy I just said what it is. If she said NO to you or NEJ or whatever, can't you just take it as it is? How old are you? 5? 2?
I will write you my name, surname, town, country, address, even my birthday date (maybe you get to be kind and send me a present) if that would help you in your life.

Jonas said...

Skulle du idiot nummer två försvinna, eftersom du är anonym är det ju du som är tönten!

Nu till andra saken, det är du som inte är smart, till skillnad mot dig kan jag ta ett nej!

and again me :) said...

yeah, yeah, sure. You can eat shit. Oh, WAIT you can't eat yourself. :S Bad thing :(
I'm honestly feeling sorry for you (hug)x 1000000
And I'm anonymous so that kid like you can get pissed ;) (A)

Jonas said...

Nu vill jag bara säga en sak Johanna, om du är lycklig förtjänar du honom, men han förtjänar inte dig, eftersom han inte vet något om dig egentligen.

Och om du älskar honom som du säger, leta upp mig så jag får säga grattis!