Okay this is something I really have wanted to talk about for a long time, dates and gifts you get from boys. Okay everyone has to remember that this is my experience of those things so others can have other experience of it!
So let me start with dates mostly because I thought some years ago it was fun to bail dates, this is actually true I made lots of guys to ask me out but I always bailed them, haha we had like said we was going to meet somewhere and then I went to the place and guess what the guy was always there but, I was never going to go to him. Poor guys they were probably really hurt. Well why would they want to do it so complicated to ask me out on a date, trust me they never told anyone I bailed on them. Somehow they told people they had a great time with me, trust me I didn’t even had hard time to look them in the eyes afterwards and say I just didn’t feel to come, but I always went to see if they came.
Now to the thing when the boys was waiting for me they always had bought me gifts, they always gave me them later on, but I remember one boy Fredrik trust me he had probably bought some nice jewelry and he had probably 30 red roses and I never went to him and went on the date, I could see how hurt he was because I never went to him. Only one time one dude saw me and he went to me but then my friend called me and said that there was something that had happen so I bailed him too. The boys really had bought me nice things, roses, chocolate and jewelries.
It is so strange that guys really like me I have never been nice to one single guy in the past when I think about it, maybe to Jonas but no one else. I was a total bitch to them, always saying bad things and made sure that they knew that I would never ever take them, I would rather die than to be together with them.
I can remember one boy, he came up to me and asked me on a date and I answered No way you are ugly and I don’t like you, I would rather puke then to go out with you, poor dude I could see how he was about to cry, the worst part was probably that he really liked me and I totally turned him away because he wasn’t good looking. Then the worst part was that he went to my class so I had to see him every day and all I could see was the pain he had when he saw me. I mean he really was brave to ask me but I was a bitch to him and just was the person that was scared to go on dates and to be close to anyone.
Then what have I bought guys, jumpers, handcuffs, shoes, dvd’s, Clothes mostly, but one time I bought my ex roses to tell him I loved him and he went out college and he did like them lots.
Now to the things I have got from a boys, wallet, shoes, jacket, flowers, bags, rings, ear rings ect I have even sold things I have got from boys because I didn’t like them.
When I think back on the person I was, I am so glad that I am who I am today, and I know I will probably get to feel the pain too someday. Don’t worry I know that and when the day comes I will think about what I did to those boys, I broke their hearts and it wasn’t meant to break them. The thing is that I have been hurt from one boy but that is some other story and trust me I was heartbroken, as everyone else I did survive it!
Oh just for scaring my boyfriend I have cheated on you with my teddy bear that I am waiting to get from you ;) No I love you Michael so much, you don't know how much <3
// Johanna
very good sis
Thanks Bro :)
Med tanke på att du är livrädd för at gå på date med någon så tror jag att även din nuvarande pojkvän får svårt att få med dig!
Nope, I wouldn't find it hard in the slightest, mainly because if she doesn't want to go on a date, then we don't go on one.. There is more to a relationship than just dates.. In saying that, you'd never know yourself..
Vem har sagt att jag kommer att springa ifrån honom? det kanske är så Jonas att jag vill gå med michael på dater och middagar.. vad vet du om det...
Johanna du vet att du kommer springa ifrån honom, vad har han som inte någon annan har haft?
och till michael, som du skulle vilja vara tillsammans med Johanna om du inte får ha samlag, jag menar hon är vacker!
You really are jealous, Jonas, aren't you?
Yes, she is beautiful but what does sex have to do with anything? Unlike you, I would never use her, and I'd always be with her whether it involved sex or not.. Sex is not a major part in a relationship.. Love and respect is.
Jag är inte avundsjuk, dock har du inte ens sett de hinder ni har. Tänk på alla killar som stöter på henne, och jag vet att om tjejer stöter på dig kokar Johanna.
Du bor I England och hon I Sverige erat förhållande är dömt till att misslyckas!
Om du inte får sex kommer du aldrig vilja stanna, att vara vacker räcker inte, respekterar du Johanna?
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