Sunday, 30 January 2011

You can call me a racist but now I don’t care for fuck sake, I am online on my facebook chat and honest there are only boys that are Muslims that bothers me.

Now to the point most of them thing they say that you are their sweetheart but excuse me I would never ever be together with a muslim sorry to tell you that, oh wait now I am a racist. Gotta love when they say you are that because you don’t want to be with them. Honest if I didn’t have Michael I would never ever look at a muslim either, this is something my real friends know.
Here are my reasons for not dating a Muslim!

- We don’t have the same faith and that is the huge reason they don’t understand what Christian faith is about!

- They think they are hot but honest I don’t know any hot muslim dude :S sorry to say that but this I have thought about for a long time! No hot dudes are a muslim, they are to hairy and have chest hair EOW !

- They think they own the world -.-‘and some muslims has really told me that I am a girl to fuck BECAUSE I have blond hair! Oh yeah gotta love that reason.. I am proud of being blond.

- I don’t want to get together with someone that isn’t from north Europe really so
everyone under Germany is probably bye bye xD I can tho date some from the alps.

Since when have the boys become like the muslims boys are, saying things like, I love you, I want to fuck you, I want to marry you, marry me and keep your lesbian relationship all I want is to get in to your country, oh or marry me and you will get a good life, as I would have a good life if I marry a muslim, never!

I am really faithful to my own religion, that is about God and Jesus, that jesus was our saver, that saved us from the badness! I would never believe in Allah or Mohammed -.-‘
I just want them to respect that everyone isn’t a muslim, and I don’t want to hear about the fucking allah -.-‘ that pisses me off more than anything cause I believe in different things!
Some muslim guys are good, like those that doesn’t think you are a whore because you aren’t a muslim, or talk to you like you are a human being. Honest why would I want to marry someone that doesn’t see his girl as the most important thing in this world, cause all I see that muslims are doing to woman is that they beat them, they let them be hungry if they don’t listen to the man. And why can’t the woman and the man pray in the same room? Why should men be worth more than a woman? Oh yeah that is something I really want to look forward to be, down in the ground, I know one that was not inlove with her husband but her parents change her for money so she will get married to a muslim dude, and not a SWEDISH boy cause that would have been bad, but anyway she talked that her own husband make her have sex when she doesn’t want to have it, and if she says no he beats her up! Oh even she tells me that I should run to the end of the world if someone that is a muslim hits on me, cause they are only for trouble. She wants me to look at her and remember that she always will love a Swedish dude, that her parents chased away, and if she meets him she might get killed -.-‘

I wonder if a muslim boy, would love their own daughter since they never love their woman, they only use her, honest I think the pig would even be higher than a woman >_< that says a lot! Now I think I should end this moaning blog, with a short thing.

I would rather be happy if the boy that is a muslim doesn’t hit on me, because you always say things that I don’t like them at all! I am happy with my boyfriend I have and that is one keeper I say…

I know people will think I am a racist, but I am far from it and I don't care if you think I am that, cause I know the truth in the end. I hate lots of things and this is only one thing that I hate more than anything..

Please have Egypt in your thoughts; I am worried about my friends there.
Peace out!

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Sweden, some thoughts and just my opinion :)

I will blog today too since I have shared pictures too, anyway today my mood is not good, I really have realize that one girl is trying to make my boyfriend love her. ARGH! Oh yeah this is the best part today.

When I came home today I was happy until I open the stupid mail, from a place oh trust me they are idiots! Anyway they will give me a bill around €600 just because they can’t read they are idiots. Honest those that works at that place really needs glasses and a course in Swedish since they can’t read for anything in this world! Fucking Idiots!

Now to the things I really need to get out from my chest I will go on something to get work experience but the school is too lazy to help me so I have almost fixed that myself, I have an interview on Monday to a place so hold your thumbs that I get it, that would make me think of other things then the shite things I have now -.-‘ the girl and the idiot place!

Anyway I have a new hospital time for my heart, and for the first time in my life I am scared of going there because I know that something is wrong, as soon as I get really I can feel it is something wrong in the heart. I don’t want to talk too much here because I know it is hard.

What more can I talk about, how come that the government kicks on those that already are on the ground, and doesn’t take money from the rich ones? How can they take money from those that needs the money, why punish those that can’t get a work? Why can’t the Swedish government make it better for the old ones, those that are not getting a work, for those that are sick or ill? Oh I know I live in a good land but honest when you look at the people’s faces here in Gothenburg they don’t look happy anymore. They look unhappy. I know plenty people that has said that the easiest way is to kill yourself at least you would not feel that you are hungry, the eyes of those that are working, you don’t have to feel like you are a failure. I know other places in Europe have worse but I can’t speak about them because I don’t really know how they have it since I live in Sweden! But I can talk about the government in Sweden and their politics goes out on that everyone should work, no matter what you have; you can’t be home if you have Cancer. If you get a heart attack you actually have to work one week, or some days after it because you aren’t too ill, you can break your leg and you have to work. But I guess if you where rich you wouldn’t have the same problems as the normal worker have with this government!

Honest this government needs to start thinking of the people in this country and stop taking immigrants to Sweden, we can’t take care of the people that lives here already and our OWNS! I read today that someone had come from Rumania and he is living on the streets, honest what life is that? They can’t help him, no they should send him home to Romania he needs to have it better then here being out in – 20 C is not a life. He doesn’t get money either. But where is it a war, in this world right now? Nowhere when you ask the politics so than why should we take immigrants? Because they should only come here when it is a war so they can go back home when it is over. Before you say I am a racist, think about this, should Sweden and other countries take people that they can’t help? No we shouldn’t. I wonder if like Mexico would take people from America if they were going as immigrants to them, and I mean now like they go to USA today.

Would Africa, Romania, Iraq and Iran help us in Sweden if we need the help, I am not so sure on that to be honest. Then if you come as a Muslim to a country where they believe in the bible they should respect it! They should let us build churches in their countries but they would say no, because I remember that one Muslim country said no to a church because it’s not a mosque, so why should Sweden need to build Mosques? We are a Christian country? I know why because if we say no we be called racist, but eh I know that some people in some Muslim countries are Christian and they get hated by their own people. That is pretty sad I think.

I know for a fact some people will not agree with me, but this is what I think about the things that happens in Sweden that has made me think like I do. Honest you can’t judge me because you have never lived in Sweden, so if you haven’t lived here you can stop calling me a racist because you haven’t seen what happens here. To be honest they that blames us for being racist is that on their own, I heard a person from Iraq telling his Swedish mate that he would never want to live near a Swedish person because we are idiots, and white and do believe in god and Jesus. Why would you want to live in Sweden if you think like that, there is one thing I can’t understand? I want to point that this is just that person; some of the immigrants are really good and sweet and doesn’t behave like this.

I think this was all I wanted to talk about today…

Peace out, and please try to respect each other, because in the end we all are humans!


Some pictures of me

Nerdie Johanna

Okay I want to share this photo of me, when I have my new glasses. Of course I had to choose glasse that makes me look like a total geek. That’s pretty awesome to look like a geek, and then I will be looking smarter haha. Anyway this will be a short blog.

Sunday, 23 January 2011

respect, love, and jealousy

Really why are people like they are? I was thinking how people treat each other. Some girls are trying to make the other one jealous to what prize? What the hell is wrong with people these days, never respect the other person!

People tell me that I am jealous yeah I am that in some things, but if my partner talks to other girls I don’t give a shit honest that is his choice and he should be able to have whoever he wants as a friend with. If that is some chicks so fine, in the end he is coming home to me, to my bed, have his arms around me, hug me and kiss me. So honest I don’t see the reason to be jealous of his girl mates, I know how much he loves me.

But I would want others to respect that we are together! That is the thing there will always be some idiot that doesn’t respect that he is mine, or that I am his. Honest I would never cheat on my partner he is the best thing that has happen to me, honest I know I can look like a total retarded person on cam with him and he still loves me.

I wonder how girls would react when he asks me to get married to him, because I know that day will come when he asks me to become his wonderful wife. Honest when that day comes I will scream out YES I WANT TO GET MARRIED TO YOU! I would be the proudest person alive and honest it would be worth to see some faces, when they will be like what the fuck did I miss?

Well would they respect that he is mine when we are engage? I don’t think so but then I don’t think the lads would respect that I am with him, honest some lads are really stupid. They can really scare me lots. When they don’t respect me as a human being I mean I tell them that I don’t want to be with them and yet they try to get me, hello time to wake up I am taken and honest I am just waiting for one special day. Can you all guess what it is?

Still the only thing I want is that people will respect that two people are inlove and you can’t change that, feelings is something that grows, and they can really come in the strangest way! Honest I know that. When I realize that I had feelings for Michael I think I would go crazy mostly because I was asking myself do he feels the same? But did I ask him what he felt?

Probably not, stupid as I am, now he knows me better than anyone else, and girls I do know him better than you. So don’t even try to say I don’t know him because I do know him.

Oh I lost my thought I blame my handsome sexy boyfriend for that since we are camming at the same time, oh yeah he is sexy. Oh I do remember what I was going to say haha stupid me, was going to tell you when he smiles, my world stops for some seconds , that smile is the world’s most beautiful smile ever, he beats mine too.

Well all I want to ask every girl is to respect that me and Michael are together and don’t hit on him, because I might get really pissed off at you and talk to you and that wouldn’t be nice to you that is one promise I can promise and I would keep. If not Michael stops me…
Anyway I wish people would respect things, and that they aren’t jealous that I have the most loving boyfriend in this world. Trust me when I say that he is that. I will end this blog with only one nice sentence.

I love you Michael J. G. Miles, you make me smile so much and I want you forever!

Friday, 21 January 2011

facebook again :@

Okay this thing with facebook is really starting to piss me off. Honest I have never ever had so much drama in my life as I have now when I am a member on facebook. What the hell today I had got a mail from a dude, oh yeah this will get better, apparently I have been talking trash about this dude, and somehow he needed to tell me that he had fucked other girls while he had have a facebook relationship with one girl. Oh yeah grow the fuck up. I couldn’t care less about you, and there is a reason I did delete you as a friend and it might be that I don’t like you as a person!

I really don’t get it why is facebook so full of drama, honest it’s just a community site where you should learn to know new people and get new friends all over the world that’s how I see it. Okay I have got some really good mates on facebook, but hell how many enemies I have got really on that page, there is one question I always ask myself how come they do hate me, get jealous? The thing is that I have this in my fucking real life. That my friends are jealous on me, because I am who I am, I don’t care if you hurt me one time or twice.

My own friend always tells me how they are jealous on me, but I don’t understand how they can be jealous on me, I am just like them, I have grown up in the same village, got bullied and still get told I am ugly. The only differencing is that I did get tired of the bullies and fought them back, I was in a fight with three boys still they didn’t beat me, I beat them I really just got tired of being called Johanna the ugly one, or the idiot that doesn’t know anyone, the girl that never can be loved.

And yet my real friend are jealous of me, they think I look hot, yet why do they always keep telling me that, they should concentrate on them on. But people on facebook I don’t get why they are jealous on me, they don’t know me. The only thing they know about me is how I look in the face, and my legs, honest if they are jealous of how I look they should really stop being jealous on me. The funniest thing I have heard is that I causes problem with a boy and a girl because the girl liked the boy, but honest if I would be so annoying as that girl made me sound like. Why would you talk trash about me, are you scared that people will love/ like me for who I am or do you want to be like me? Real friends shouldn't be jealous of you they should be supporting you and listen to what you tell them!

Now to the thing I might be happy, and don’t show when I am unsure because then you would have the power over me and I would never ever let you idiots have power over me! I control my own happiness and faith not you!

Facebook should really look what other people are doing to each other, there is so much bully on that page, and I have seen lots of it. It is really sad; people should respect the other person. Honest you never know how much you hurt the other one, or what you do to the person, honest if someone is in love why the hell can’t you respect that? I mean if the boy is in love with some other girl you should respect that, I think I am one of them that doesn’t respect that or didn’t but honest, If I know that there is no chance that I can get the person I would respect that he would want someone else! But I know there are people that doesn’t respect that the lad is taken, they talk shit about his girl and say that she will never respect that he has a girlfriend uff that makes me sick just to think about it.

Then we have the boys that doesn’t respect you when you are in a relationship, I have had one that wants me to ditch my own boyfriend and spend valentine’s day with him, why the hell would I want to spend that day with someone that isn’t my boyfriend. There is one thing people really should learn and it is what respect is about, I know that I have to learn that too, but there are more people that have to learn what respect are about!
Respect the other persons wishes, and what him/she says and it will take you much longer in life.

I do know one thing, the hate, the bully will never stop because people are unsure about them self. They should look at them self and take a really good look at them self before they judge other people!

Oh this became a good moaning thing about facebook, there are some good things about facebook too, but honest the bad things comes up more >_< so annoying.

/ Johanna

Thursday, 20 January 2011

How come you can't like space as I do? How come people are idiots? How come people think I am stupid? How come you can't be here?

Honest there are more questions than answers!

All I know Is that my feelings can't be explain with words, just with actions. My love for you has grown far above how I have ever feel for anyone else. Only the stars in the universe can show you how much I love you!

Today I am having the worst headache ever but somehow I know I will survive!

Bitches stay away from what isn't yours! Just a nice warning!

Fuck you, Kisses and hugs !

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Being myself, feels damn good too

You know tonight I felling a little out of control, this is me do you wanna get crazy, because I don’t give a shite, really I do love being out of control and with you I know I can be that, It is not as I have to be the person that always smile and always say that everything is going to be fine.

Now I want to make sure people really understand one thing, as there are some people that think I am not a human oh yeah welcome to the reality of my world I will tell you one thing about myself that I have really learned about me. I don’t like to show how I feel because I am so afraid that people will use it against me. Oh yeah I know that those people that do that is reading this blog!

I am far from perfect as my mates has decided to put me as, I am grateful that they have done that but if they knew what was going around my head they would realize that they are more perfect than I am, honest I do worry too much about things that you don’t think about. I envy many of my mates they always say that it will be okay, nothing bad will happen, but If I find something like say erm a letter that isn’t to me that is to someone else I would get 100 thoughts and try to analyze that letter, like what does she/he mean here. That is bad because that makes me think too much about things I shouldn’t think of.

The worst thing is that I have a strange feeling of feeling alone, mostly because I don’t tend to talk to people what is going on in my head, but I have open up myself to one at least, I do feel sorry for that person because he really hears my thoughts straight out, I can really say out things about people what I feel and think about that person, when I think about it he knows exactly what I feel about other people my mouth has a bad habit to tell him everything.

Now to the other thing people seem to think about me, how the hell can you keep out the jealousy from your relationship? Oh back to reality I do get jealous on some things, but those things are not so big, because I do know what my boyfriend thinks about me, what he feels about me, so why would I be jealous if he speaks with other girls, honest that is silly. But yeah I do get jealous, but so does everyone in some part of the relationship, the difference is what you do when you feel that, do you start to sneak around like a snake or just trust in your partner that he/she doesn’t cheat on you. If you do start to sneak and tell him/her not to do things, better to break it off.

What is the worst feeling I have had, oh it has to be when someone is sad, hurt or even worse and I can t be there with the person and really say that things will be good, you have me as a friend, hug the person and just be there for that person, push away every feeling I have and just be there for that other person. If you aren’t there for your close friends when they feel bad you will not have anyone when you feel bad or shite. Trust me I know what I talk about, when I have had my break downs I have always been able to go to Jonas, but today I wouldn’t do that because I don’t trust in him anymore as I did before, he has just change or is it me who has change, grown up? Sometimes I do miss to be younger so I could have change some things I have done, like not to have had sex that would have been the best thing, when I think about that, I do respect those that actually wait until they get married. Why couldn’t I have been stronger and said no, because I had a boyfriend doesn’t mean I was ready for it, I never was ready for the sex, not emotionally. I mean you really should be in love with the person you are having sex with, I didn’t even think about Jonas when I had sex with him, ever I always thought about others. Oh yeah I do know that I wasn’t ready to have a relationship or sex. I wish I could change my past but I can’t and that sucks.

I do think about to when I was 15 and loved Nick Carter everything seemed so easy I could always dream away for hours and play on my playstation, Nintendo oh that was times!
Now to the things that I did think about that no one else knows, was to get married and have a nice wedding, I do know how I want to have it but honest I don’t want to tell anyone how I want to have it because I don’t want anyone to laugh at me, because that is something that I really have put lots of hours to think about. I know where I want to get married, what time of the year, everything, but honest that is my thoughts, my private thoughts

Now to the part where you can say about me being a bad friend, I think you should look at yourself before you tell others that I am a bad friend, I might be a really private person that doesn’t share many of my thoughts because I am shy, and when I have shared my thoughts idiot has used them against me and made me feel so bad that I have had that feeling that I don’t want to live, and yeah I have tried to kill myself in the past, but honest I am so much stronger now, and I don’t care if you don’t like me because in the end you have to learn to love yourself and be strong. Then you will survive anything and some day you will find a person that is as strong as you, likes the same things, will make you feel like that you are the only one that matters, doesn’t matter what it is about, and when you do find that person that does those things, and so much more you make sure to keep him/her for a long time and with that I mean forever. Just make sure you are there for them as they are for you.

Now to the girls that thinks I give a damn what you think about me, go to hell and stay there I don’t give a shite what you think about me there are maybe three persons that I do care about what they think about me. You others I don’t care if you think I am ugly, false, hateful, whore, whatever name you have for me, just gonna say one thing look in the mirror and you will see your own reflection not mine. I do smile and feel damn good, I am happy with my life, my choices and you are misery and unhappy!

Now to the best part this has been a shite long blog but I don’t care what you think about this blog this has been fun to write and I got out what I wanted!

Fuck you, kisses and hugs !

Monday, 17 January 2011

Social networks or what ever

Friends on facebook, twitter, myyearbook, tagged and myspace or others sites are a funny story. Well I will talk about that today I think.

Mostly because some people have asked me to talk about them, so here is what I have taught and learnt about friends from social networks.

Trust me I have had social networks for about 13 years, well it started with some Nordic social networks in the beginning and there you actually learned to know people for real. You didn’t have the trash talk as you have today. Anyway I did meet many of the people from these social networks, I remember I went to Finland to meet a girl and it was awesome, Jaana was her name and the funny as hell.

Then I started to use myspace there I started to explore more outside the Nordic countries mostly Germany and England, then of course America. Well to be honest there wasn’t so much trash and drama on myspace. Well myspace sucked so I changed to facebook and oh my god here everything starts to fall apart slowly.

Facebook what can I say about it, both good and bad things, so let me start with the bad things, I become friends with so many people outside Europe but then the girls in some part of the world is just even stupider than the girls in Europe, but they are a chapter to themselves. The funny thing is that most of the girls on facebook that I was friends with thought they are so hot, sexy and nice, but when you think closely about them they aren’t so hot and sexy as they think. Huge arses, huge noses, wrong eyes their words not mine so you all know. But they always try to be so nice to everyone but oh my fucking god how much trash they have talked to me about others, and how much shite they have been talking about me. Oh if these girls reads this, here you know the truth I have heard all the things you have said about me, and some of you are trying to be my friend, all I have to say to you is, that you can really go to hell and stay there, stop dragging me to your fucking drama, honest if you want to destroy things don’t start a stupid fucking rumor about me, saying something because I wouldn’t talk about you, just because oh yeah this is the funny part I HATE YOU, No I MEAN DISLIKE YOU MORE THAN ANYTHING, so you know you can actually go to hell, die, be really ill I wouldn’t care, I would dance and be happy because you are only PROBLEM and you are the DRAMAS !

Oh yeah I don’t get how it can be so much drama over that someone is friend with someone else, you do choose who you want to be friends with, and yeah some of those persons will be a good mate, your love maybe, or people that betray you so hard that you learn that you shouldn’t trust in people in general.

Then you have the bully thing that goes around on facebook saying oh she is with him, she is a whore, she is the Swedish whore, she is the idiot, and she is the fucking liar. Honest look at yourself before you open your pretty mouth mostly because it has to start somewhere ;) maybe it is you who are those things you say that others are! You don’t have to look so far away to see your own reflection in the mirror! One words to all the haters on facebook that pretends to like me GO TO HELL AND STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!

Now to the good things on facebook, oh believe me there is some good things that actually wins over the bad things, and it is that I have found real and funny people that I have become good mates with, they are not so egotistical as some are. You can talk about things that you might not be able to talk about others too like, space, Shakespeare, sports and mathematics oh funny times when I think about it.

But the best thing on facebook is that people have found their love there, I know many people that have found their boyfriend/girlfriend here. I have found mine here and honest I would go through all the drama one more time because I know that in the end I will still have Michael, I will have his love and respect, mostly because he knows who I am as a person, I know people don’t think he knows me, Jonas and Linus are so wrong here, he do know me much better than anyone else. Oh he would know if I am feeling bad or feeling good. Just because he loves me and have take the effort to get to know me as a person.

Twitter, I guess because I haven’t added the idiots I have no drama, because you did show your real side on facebook to me, you can still blame me how much you want, but in the end it is your fault as much as mine, but you don’t have to lie about the things as you have done!
Myyearbook, is so good to have that because there it is no drama, and honest I like that there is not any drama there.

Oh yeah I do have one wish, don’t fight on my blog that is just childish, and if you want to talk about this you know where to find me!

Peace out My readers!

/ Johanna

Saturday, 15 January 2011

Dates and gifts !

Okay this is something I really have wanted to talk about for a long time, dates and gifts you get from boys. Okay everyone has to remember that this is my experience of those things so others can have other experience of it!

So let me start with dates mostly because I thought some years ago it was fun to bail dates, this is actually true I made lots of guys to ask me out but I always bailed them, haha we had like said we was going to meet somewhere and then I went to the place and guess what the guy was always there but, I was never going to go to him. Poor guys they were probably really hurt. Well why would they want to do it so complicated to ask me out on a date, trust me they never told anyone I bailed on them. Somehow they told people they had a great time with me, trust me I didn’t even had hard time to look them in the eyes afterwards and say I just didn’t feel to come, but I always went to see if they came.

Now to the thing when the boys was waiting for me they always had bought me gifts, they always gave me them later on, but I remember one boy Fredrik trust me he had probably bought some nice jewelry and he had probably 30 red roses and I never went to him and went on the date, I could see how hurt he was because I never went to him. Only one time one dude saw me and he went to me but then my friend called me and said that there was something that had happen so I bailed him too. The boys really had bought me nice things, roses, chocolate and jewelries.

It is so strange that guys really like me I have never been nice to one single guy in the past when I think about it, maybe to Jonas but no one else. I was a total bitch to them, always saying bad things and made sure that they knew that I would never ever take them, I would rather die than to be together with them.

I can remember one boy, he came up to me and asked me on a date and I answered No way you are ugly and I don’t like you, I would rather puke then to go out with you, poor dude I could see how he was about to cry, the worst part was probably that he really liked me and I totally turned him away because he wasn’t good looking. Then the worst part was that he went to my class so I had to see him every day and all I could see was the pain he had when he saw me. I mean he really was brave to ask me but I was a bitch to him and just was the person that was scared to go on dates and to be close to anyone.

Then what have I bought guys, jumpers, handcuffs, shoes, dvd’s, Clothes mostly, but one time I bought my ex roses to tell him I loved him and he went out college and he did like them lots.
Now to the things I have got from a boys, wallet, shoes, jacket, flowers, bags, rings, ear rings ect I have even sold things I have got from boys because I didn’t like them.
When I think back on the person I was, I am so glad that I am who I am today, and I know I will probably get to feel the pain too someday. Don’t worry I know that and when the day comes I will think about what I did to those boys, I broke their hearts and it wasn’t meant to break them. The thing is that I have been hurt from one boy but that is some other story and trust me I was heartbroken, as everyone else I did survive it!

Oh just for scaring my boyfriend I have cheated on you with my teddy bear that I am waiting to get from you ;) No I love you Michael so much, you don't know how much <3

// Johanna

Friday, 14 January 2011

Stupid girls really,

Okay this is something I really think is funny we girls are so stupid sometimes; you actually start to laugh when you start to think about the things the other girls do to you and what you do to them.

Now to the thing, I remember when I liked a boy and my best friend liked him too I really spoke so much shit about my best friend to that lad, oh my god when I think about it is so bad but eh I did like that boy so much, the funny thing was that he choose my friend in the end. He really didn’t believe in me thank god for that, because I didn’t say the nicest things about her, but she trashed talked me too so I guess it is fair in the end. I was 13 when this happen but I remember this as it was yesterday. But the funniest thing is probably that me and her are still good mates but not the best anymore. Because she wants me to be with someone I don’t want to be with. Dilemma

The thing is does this really end sometimes I mean, about girls stupidity to other girls, they always talk bad about someone else because they want to feel better than the other person, but in the end you never feel better you just feel worse.

Why would you want to be jealous at someone, because one boy likes another girl? We girls should try to remember that boys are a human being too that has feelings, and when we start to freak out as we do, I wonder if boys really sees what is going on? Would they see when the other girls start to trash talk the other one? When they play out the other girl? When we start to sneak around things to make the other girl look bad? To be honest I don’t think boys really know what is going on, but you don’t know honest because some of them are smart ones.

These days I try not to do as I did when I was younger because I can remember how I felt when I had done the things, I helped lots of my friends to manipulate the boy to like my friend and make him start to hate the other person, I know I am ashamed of what I did because it was nothing wrong with the other girl, most of the times she was really nice and lovely and when you start to think back the boy would probably had it much better with the other girl, but you will always help your own friend more than someone else.

These days I really have got many girls against me but I don’t care what they do to me, because I know there is jealousy behind the thing, or that they are unsure about the boy that they like, or that they simply don’t like me because other people like me as a individual and I would never stop to be myself. I know that people that I am friends with will see the real Johanna, the person behind the trash talk.

The thing is that I always say that I look bad, and that I am not sexy, that no boys likes me, because I want to make my other girl mates feel better, because if they would know the truth they would just start to moan about that boys likes me more than them. Honest I know I am good looking, I have a smile that makes boys weak at least most of the boys here that I know. Eyes that are so light blue that they drown in. I know I am sexy because boys always keep telling me that, they love my personality because I am crazy but deep down I am so shy that only a few person has seen the real Johanna, that Johanna that wants to hide from the world because she becomes a little girl. The only person that has seen that Johanna for the last five years is Michael he really gets out the real person I am.

But mostly girls are stupid to each other because they want to feel better, I can confess I do get jealous, I am not perfect, I do talk bad about others, but I try to give compliments to my mates so they will feel a bit better. In the end you should respect if a lad has a girl that he likes and don’t destroy it because it will come one day when you have a boyfriend, husband etc that someone else like and for god sake he loves you if he is with you, and don’t talk trash about the girl he likes because that will make him hate you, it starts slowly I have seen this happen lots of times, I made a boy hate me so much that I lost him as a friend, even today when I see him I can see the hate in his eyes. Honest that is the worst feeling I have ever had, when he looks at me I am dead for him, but I am alive standing beside him, and I can’t change the things I have done. I made his fiancée so unsure about him that she left him, and when I told the truth about him and her she just gave me a bitchslap and said stay away from others relationships, but she never wanted him back because she said I destroyed the trust she had for him.

In the end I am happy with the person I have become today, I have learn to respect the lads feelings. Because in the end it is him who choose if he wants a girl or not!

If you read this blog post feel free to comment

Love you all !

/ Johanna

Monday, 10 January 2011

Cheating and Sex

I really can’t see why you cheat on your partner. Why would you not dump them if you don’t love them? Why would you want to cheat on the person you are in a relationship with? Why not spare the other person from the sadness that it gets when the other person choose to cheat on you.

I can just remember that I felt so empty when Jonas told me that he has cheated, I left him on the spot and I have never ever felt so empty and all my trust for guys went gone in one second. After that I really closed myself as person and decided to never ever fall in love. No wonder a person that has had a partner that has cheats on you are screwed.

I will never cheat on someone because I know how you feel when you get to know that the other person would feel when you do that, honest it is better to leave the person before you screw around with other people.

Then to the other thing why are you cheating on your partner I would guess you get the sex you need when you are in a relationship for fuck sake if the dude wants to have sex you have to do it sometimes even when you don’t want to, If you always say no it means your partner has to be either bad in bed, or really don’t turn you on.

The thing is when you have sex with someone else you really open up yourself really much, you become one with the other person. If you have the fast sex you do it in lust and you feel so much happier afterwards you really need to have the excited sex so you can keep the flame on. But then you have the slow sex where you really share every second of the special moment, every movement ever kiss you share at that moment. Okay I shall stop since I know Indira reads this blog xD

This one will be really short because I don’t know what more to write about..

Please tell me what you want me to write about..


Saturday, 8 January 2011

I love you Michael

I hate that I really love you so much, because when you aren’t around to speak to me I feel lost and miss you so much that it feels like I have a hole in my heart but it is whole. I think I realize what love is about when I think about you. This is the thing that I don’t use to talk about so much, because it is hard to speak about.

Well this is going back to you again, you are the reason I smile more than anything. I love how you make me feel how you know me as a person. I really should be saying thank you so much for loving me, so much, to make me feel like I feel. I really hope that you know how much I love you, how much I need you, how much of an inspiration you are for me. You are all that I want to be all that I want to become.

You are an angel send from heaven, and I hope god doesn’t take you away for a long time, because I love you so much and I hope that I can be an inspiration to you. I want to spend my life with you because you have taught me so much about love and how you should be as a person.

Feelings aren’t the easiest thing to show and express so when I see you I will look in to your wonderful green eyes and say how much you mean for me, how much I love you, how much I need you, how much I miss you. I want to see you smile because when you smile my world stops and I feel that I am the luckiest girl in this world.

I am so proud of having you in my life, having your love, and to be honest I hope that that never stops. You have my heart and I hope that I have yours as you have mine.

I know what I want, and in the end I can only hope that you want the same, because I love you so much Michael, I want you to be beside me forever because then I can look back on my life knowing that I have known what love is all about, and had the most handsomest guy in this world.
Call this what you want but this is my feelings for you Michael, and they will never end

Thank you Michael for letting me love you, and you have my heart forever..


Questions and answers!

I have got lots of questions that I should answer to you because you really want to know about them. So I will answer some of them I have got.

What is one thing that has changed your life, either good or bad? One thing that has change me as a person is my heart, to both good and bad, I know what I can do and not do. But still I am stronger as a person, probably stronger than most of my friends.

Have you ever had a near-death experience? Yes I have had that, not one thing I am proud of but yeah I tried to kill myself when I was younger and if not one friend would have picked up his parent I would have been dead, I was sick of the things that happen to me at the time and the easiest way for me was to take my life, but today I am happy to be alive. Then I have had heart attacks because of my heart, and my heart has stopped beating.

Do you think there is more good or bad in the world? I think there are more bad things in this world.

What are you scared of? I am scared of needles, thunderstorms, spiders mostly

Where would you want to go on your honeymoon? I would want to go to Egypt, mostly because I have heard that if you go in with your love one in a pyramid you will be happy and healthy, laugh as much as you want but I believe in that.

Who was your first love? It has to have been Nick Carter in backstreet boys.

Have you ever questioned your sexuality? Yeah I have done that

What was the last piece of clothing that you bought? Strings

How many people have you truly been in love with? One person and that person know who it is too.

Are you a virgin? No, I am not a virgin, and I regret the person I choose to lose my virginity with but it is done and I can’t change it

Are you good at giving massages? Yes I am good at that, but I don’t give them to anyone

Have you ever been turned on by kissing someone of the same sex? Yes I have been that..

Have you ever kissed someone who was already taken? Yes I have done that, nothing I am proud of but yeah I have done it, and I lost a dear friend too...

If you could ask God one question, what would it be? Honest I would ask him why he has made earth a living hell to live on, look at it and where are people truly happy, everything seems so bad when you look at it.

What is your natural hair and eye color? Eyes: light blue, and hair light blond

Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes I do believe in that, but it rarely happens.

If you could do something and not be caught, what would you do? I would honestly scream at all the girls that love and like my boyfriend to get the hell away and stay away from him.

Have you ever had unprotected sex? Yes lots of times, but you should wear a condom

If you met “the one” what do you think it would feel like? You would feel complete inside.

Has anyone ever dumped somebody else for you? I don’t know maybe, maybe not I don’t care.
Do you like to watch the rain fall? Yes I do like to watch that.

Do you ever get jealous when you’re in a relationship? Yes I do get a bit jealous but in the end I know that the person I am with loves me so it goes over in the same second as it comes.

Do you kiss on the first date? I have never been on a date so No.

What makes you cry? When I get hurt

If you could leave an impact on the world in one way, what would you choose? No idea hard to think about.

Have you ever told someone you loved them and not meant it? Yes I have done that, stupid thing to do because you hurt the other person more than you think in the end

Are you happy with your boyfriend? Yes I am truly happy with him; he makes me happy he makes me feel complete and loved in ways no one else can do. He is truly an angel that has lightened up my life. I love him so much.

Ex boyfriend and some other things

Going to write about my ex boyfriend that seems to piss me off more than anything these days.
The thing is we broke up 2007 and that was one of the best decision I have done really, our relationship wasn’t healthy at all, we kept hurting each other in a strange way. But now when I have found someone new, he seems to want to destroy my happiness, by calling me all the time to say that he loves me and miss me as his girl. He says that he can be better than my Boyfriend that he calls idiot because he has me. Anyway the thing is that I don’t love Jonas I never did when I think close about it I only was with him because I didn’t wanted to be the Johanna I was in school, where everyone bullied me and called me ugly. Jonas was with me and I felt at least that there was one person in the whole world that loved me. But was Jonas inlove with me he always kept saying I love you Johanna, but he cheated he screwed around, sometimes even in front of me; the thing was that I didn’t care about it. I was stupid to stay with him for so long time.
I remember one time we played spin the bottle and I had to kiss his brother and he screamed that I cheated on him when we was playing a game, and it didn’t matter that I kissed his best friends. But when it pointed to his bother the hell was out. I should not have gone with him home because all I know was that it would go worse when we was alone and it got worse in more than one ways.

The only thing that was good in that relationship was when we where away from each other then I was happy, when I tried to reach out to my friends they said I should be happy to have Jonas he loves you, and you are happy. Was I happy when I had so much pain in my heart, I cried lots of times because I was so unhappy, when I was walking outside alone I was happy, or when I was with one dude called Sam I remember we was taking a tea and I said my boyfriend is an huge idiot and he asked me why I didn’t leave him and the answer I gave him was that I was afraid to leave him because you never know what he might do.

The thing is that Jonas still think he owns me like I am his but I am far away from his, I don’t love him I actually dislike him lots and the only reason I am talking to him is because we have so many common friends that bugs me to be nice to him so he doesn’t freak out on them.

Then I have another boy that is friend with Jonas, his name is Linus he is a really strange person, he says he loves me but he really doesn’t love me, I know he thinks he loves me but Linus you don’t love me. Honest if you would love me you would respect that I don’t love you and don’t want you in my life anymore. I am happy we where friends but today we aren’t friends and we will never ever be friends again. You have to realize that we have grown apart from each other and you and I am not good for each other please forget me and I will be happy again. If you really love me you would leave me alone and let me be happy with Michael.

Then we have that boy that always propose to me Fredrik, you really have to realize that I don’t feel the same for you. Fredde you know I like you as a friend but honest I don’t love you and I will never love you because you are a friend that is a good friend as long as you don’t propose and love me. Honest I am sorry that you love me because you will get hurt in the end you and I will never ever happen. Why the hell did you have to get those feelings for me? You and Linus are my ex best mates and honest would you want to hurt your own friend so you can be with me. No wonder that Jonas is an idiot because of you two he freaks out, his biggest nightmare is that I would take someone of you or someone else as I have done. Honest you are in the past and you three will stay there. Today I don’t want you in my life I want to be happy and start a new life with someone else. And you have to realize that before you can go on with your life. How fun can it be to be inlove with someone that can’t even look at you because she doesn’t want to have you? I don’t think it’s fun to break someone’s heart but I guess I have to do that before they realize that I don’t want them in my life! I don’t care about you anymore; sorry you are just my friends friends…

Jonas please leave me alone, you know deep down that you and me will never happen again.

Linus, leave me alone I don't want you in my life

Fredrik, I am deeply sorry that I don't feel the same for you as you do for me but you have to let me go I am inlove with someone else.


Friday, 7 January 2011

love i guess...

I am so sick of my friends here in Sweden they bug me to get married to get kids, hey I am only 26 years old why rush to a marriage. If I had got married in the age of 18-20 it wouldn’t have last look at my friends they either are engage for the 2: nd time and going to get married again, or divorced with kids alone. Why rush to something that should be something that last forever!

Marriage is something you should share with the other person no matter what you shouldn’t cheat like some of my friends have done… Or get divorced if you don’t get along and fight because you don’t think the same thing over a wall paper you really have to breathe one more time to realize that that is a silly fight that makes you unhappy! Well if you get married you should love the person more than anything that person should be able to make you smile, and make you feel better but also to tell you when you are wrong, and lost, to make you on the right path again.

Now to my friend that thinks I am unhappy with my life you are so wrong because I have found that one that I know that I can share anything with, tell him anything, argue and still know that he loves me more than anything, I can’t wait until we move together and start to fight over a wall paper mostly it will be that I get pissed because I know he would just say: Babe, choose what you like I don’t care, but I want him to care so I will get annoyed more because he wants me to be happy.

Honest I have never seen a lad like he is, I can show him wedding dresses and he really say what he thinks about them, he says that I would look like a princesses in them and look adorable, like an angel. Honest I thought boys was afraid to talk about marriage and weddings but he isn’t he really tells me if he likes the dress or not. That is really good because if we end up getting married I know what king of dress I should choose to make him feel proud of me to becoming his wife. Marriages should be a celebration of the love between two people and not to be a show, I was on my friend’s wedding not long time ago and trust me they had guests around 500 people to just being showed out as I am getting married in a Vera W. dress and you can’t beat my marriage and oh well they are getting a divorce now it lasted six months honest was that a celebration to the love that they shared?

Yes I have realized that I am a lucky girl in the end, I have someone that makes me smile lots and makes me feel like I am the only human alive on this earth, I have some close friends and if I get married sometimes I know who is going to be my maid of honor, which will be Anna she is an awesome person that really know who I am.

Me and Anna haven’t had the easiest road it has been funny and had some sadness but in the end she is one of the people I have become so close that I would really get my lazy arse to her if she was in trouble or in pain, she would never lose me as a friend. I want her in my life for a long time. I hope you know that Anna.


Tuesday, 4 January 2011

sneaking people

This will be fun when I think about it how many have fake accounts just so they can sneak on peoples pages they hate or dislike or even their boyfriends...

I have fake account on facebook mostly so I can see what people think about me, that has actually helped me more than anyone can know. People that doesn't think that it can be me has trashed talked about me to me, well idiots if someone I didn't know would start to ask me question about a person I wouldn't answer them. Because you don't know who is on the other side.

Then I made my twitter private and I get moaned about it, well if you want to see my twitts add me on it, but if you are not my friend there you don't have to see what I twitt about!

Then I have closed my facebook for the same reasons if you don't like me you don't have to see my wall either. I feel sorry for people that has open walls because people can see everything and then you get the fucking sneakers... Why not ask directly if you want to know a thing about the other person instead of trying to sneak!

There is a reason I might write on swedish sometimes on my facebook, but if you want to find out what I write you will have to do it yourself. I like when people that doesn't know swedish start to write in swedish mostly because that shows that they at least try to understand :)

Then to the other thing, friends that tries to sneak is the best I have a girl friend she sneaks so good, I actually ask her most of the times if I need someone to sneak she is awesome good at it :) she should be the new sherlock holmes =]

Well sometimes it can be good to sneak but not to often then you get paranoid :P

Well this blog will not be to long...

Peace Out !


Monday, 3 January 2011


Okey I will talk about love for one time, this will be so funny to talk about, while I have some shite song on..

Anyway I will start by telling my own experience about love and you can’t judge me because you might have had other feelings!

Okay I will just to say that I have a boyfriend that makes me so shy. All I can hope is that he doesn’t see how red I become in my so cute face as he always say I have. He makes me like a shy little girl I can’t really understand how he can make me be so shy.

He is really the sweetest. Yesterday when we cammed he said I looked absolutely adorable and I don’t need make up, and that second he started to tell me how beautiful I was looking the more I got shy, and wanted to hide from him. Poor him really he sees me so shy that I am actually thinking shit how can that wonderful person love me so much, and yet get me so girly. I don’t use to become so girly before him or the last months.

I know that I have found the right person because no one has made me so shy and so unsure about myself as a person, those feelings I have for my boyfriend is so hard to explain but when we don’t talk it actually hurts in my heart because I miss him so much, when I hear his voice I just want to listen to him for hours, because that voice is the best in this world. When he says I love you Johanna I get complete red in my face thank god he hasn’t seen that. When he talks to me even when I am sad he knows what to say to make me smile, I have someone I can talk to about everything without getting judge. I can say the most stupid thing and all he says is something nice back.

I wouldn’t change him for anyone, because I know he is the best boy out here in this world. No one comes close to his beauty or how he treats other people. He is totally amazing I feel honored that he wants to have me as his girlfriend. Because I know I am far from a good person like he is. I don’t care but all I want is to be a better person so I will not lose him because he is the reason I’m as girly I have become and smile so much as I do.

I wouldn’t change me just get better as a person, I don’t care if people hate me or love me but I would care if my boyfriend starts to think that I have become a bad person because his opinion is something I care about.

I can’t believe I have had him for five months already, honest it has been the best five months in my whole life, probably only one thing that beats this love and it was my heart operation that is the reason I am alive today.

The love I feel now is something that is hard to explain with words, but I feel completely complete like there isn’t anything missing in my life, have anyone else have had that feeling or is it just me?

Please take care of the people you love. Because you might end up losing them, if you don’t take care of them. Stay away from being jealous, if you are together with a person he/she loves you, and if you are jealous you only push them away from you, and you end up losing them or that they are unfaithful or break up with you. That would be my best advice to all my readers.

Peace out!

Love you all, but mostly I love Michael so so so so so so much

/ JJ