Sunday, 28 November 2010

my own thoughts about friends..

This topic is kind of hard to talk about but I know I have to talk about it since this is an important thing in your life, friends.

So this will be about good and bad friends, and how I want you to be as a friend for me.

Let us start with the bad friends, it is them who pretends to be your friend and doesn’t like you and they make sure that every else knows that they dislike or hate you, then they talk nice to you and try to get out information or pretends to be a good friend. Anyway I know this has happen to everyone but for me it seems that it happens all the time, mostly because they get jealous of me as a person. I don’t get who they can be jealous of me, I mean come on they think I get what I want but that isn’t true at all!

Then there is a difference between boy mates and girl mates mostly is that boys tell you directly what they feel about you and doesn’t trash talk you, as girls do. Let take an example of this, I asked my male mate how do this dress look on me, and trust me it wasn’t the best respond you can get, he actually said I looked fat, and ugly in it but the knee socks I had was sexy… then I asked a girl mate about the same outfit and she was telling me that I looked slim, and sexy and only good things, now to the point boys always tell you the truth (most of the times)
I really can go on with the bad friends because it’s easier to do that but I will write about the good ones too.

Those friends that I see as a good ones is those that doesn’t talk trash about you and tells you the truth no matter how much it would hurt me as a person, but at least they wouldn’t lie and say that things looks good, or yeah he loves you (when he doesn’t) they tell you the truth no matter what!

Then friends is something that you really need in life, they make you smile and laugh and make you feel good, I do love my friends those that I have as close ones I know it’s not so many people but they are my everything. I can go to them when I break apart and they would make me smile again! Trust me not a good thing when I break apart but HELLO I do that too sometimes.

The thing is that most of my so called friends think I never cry, I never get hurt, that I always smile and feel happy always. They should get back to the reality because I do cry when I get hurt, I cry when I get hurt, I whipped as a baby when I broke my ankle so yeah I do cry, I broke apart this summer for some reasons and those friends that saw me really knows how bad it was. Then my next question is why do not people see when I don’t feel bad? Yes because they aren’t a friend, they would see if you are hurt, sad, happy, and confessed or anything else because they know who you are as a human.

Oh if you want me to write about anything that you wonder about me, and my thoughts just comment and I will write about it when I feel for it.

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