Today I want to talk about love and hate, because people seem to tell me I hate more than I love!
Let me start with hate, that is something I really can’t see because hate is so close to love really, when you start to think close about it, so according to me and look closely I am telling my opinion and no one else as some people have been mailing me.. Anyway let’s continue my own thoughts about hate. If you hate someone that person still have a chance to come back to your life since you really care about the person, deep inside. I don’t hate anyone really like hate, but I do dislike people more just because than they don’t have a chance to come back to my life and I can continue to be who I am and pretend to “hate” them but I dislike them more than anything.
So if you really would say that I hate something it would be spiders and thunder, but when I think about it I am more scared of them but I hate when they come close to me. So I really don’t hate any person so please make sure to not say that I hate you because I don’t hate you I just don’t like you if you feel that way, I make sure that the person knows if I dislike her/him.
Now to love that is something I can’t really explain short because you can have so many different loves as I have.
Let me start with the thing I love most more than anything in this world it’s my family without them I would be all alone in this world (or it feels like that). I know that I will have them no matter what happens in this world. My mum and dad are the persons that mean most to me then my uncle that I see as my own brother, then my sister and my niece. That is one love you can’t explain really because everyone will know what I mean when I say that family is family.
Than we can speak about love for someone that isn’t a friend, to open up yourself as a person to a complete stranger that isn’t from your family it is so scary really. But when you really have done that and the other person feels the same things you really feel blessed that there is someone out there in this big world that loves/ likes you in the same way as you do. This is something I really can’t explain so well mostly because the thing is that I feel complete in some strange way, I can’t say why it feels like that or why others don’t feel like I feel.
I was talking to one friend about love, to another person, she said that she told her boyfriend I love you after 1 hour talking, and I was like what the fuck how can you love someone after one hour ? I know that I am so scared to tell I love you that I have only told two people those words. I don’t tell my family those words, nope never I know I should but trust me if I would say it they would stand there open with their mouths because I haven’t said it in so long time to them. But my friend says it all the time and she never keep her boyfriends more than one year. So I guess there is different loves as I said in the beginning I think.
Well you can love things like sports, things but that love isn’t real. Real love is when you share something between someone else that isn’t from your family, and it is really scary thing. I just know that I am so blessed and everything is so easy at this point at least. Anyway love is something I hope that everyone will feel some day!
Now to the hate part, don’t hate people; just dislike them than they know their chance is screwed and that they fucked up!
Peace out!
:) really like this Jo, u are great !!..Pau
Thank you =)
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