Friday, 3 December 2010

Boys flirting jeez

Boys, where can I start about them, I know they think at least that a blond blue eyed girl is stupid and want everyone. Not true at all, it’s the boys that are stupid not me at least

Let start with this I do know when someone flirt with me but I always pretend that I don’t notice it because if I start to care I really have many idiots that do it. Well some are cute and hot, but mostly the boys are butt ugly and I wouldn’t touch them with my arms, jeez that is the scary thing I rather want to be dead then to touch some of the boys.

Let’s take yesterday I was on the tram and one boy sat beside me, probably around my age, Swedish anyway he said “Hello, cutie you are lucky today, I want to fuck today?” I mean if you want to flirt with me that wouldn’t work for 1 billion trust me on that! The thing is that I think It’s at least 10 different boys that do flirt with me when I am outside, the thing is that I haven’t wanted to have anyone as my boyfriend so I haven’t cared that they have been doing it…

I remember when I worked in a shop one boy was there to fix one thing, Eh I am a girl that looks lots on the arse *_* jeez this boy actually pulled his pants down a bit so I could see his boxers was white, and his arse was actually really nice, anyway he was really cute and hot. The thing was I have never ever said this to anyone but he asked me for a date, he thought I was really cute and nice. Well I do regret that I never went on the date, but it was totally just not the right one. Deep inside I do like romance and romantic stuff (damn it’s bad I know!). Everyone thinks the silly fraises works on me but hell no they are so wrong, I think the only thing that works on me is that you actually pay attention to who I am as a person and respect that.

Then we have the desperate boys that sends you mail via, facebook, tagged, myyearbook or twitter saying hello cutie want to fuck, I want a relationship with you, I love you marry me jeez they don’t even fuck know me. I don’t care that they want to be friends but hell no I don’t want to get married, that thought scares me really because then you have to share everything with someone you love and hopefully it will go good, but most of my friends that has got married is divorced now..

I can actually just come up with one thing and that is that boys are so desperate when they flirt and want some girl. I can’t say everyone has the same problem as me, I am always honest with them and say I don’t want a relationship, they don’t respect if you tell them that you are in a relationship then they say I am lying! Jeez why would I lie that I have a boyfriend if I would lie I would say I love girls and have a girlfriend and doesn’t get turned on by males haha wonder if they would give up then!

I know that this is just my thoughts, but I wonder how boys think about us girls, wonder if we are as desperate as some boys are? I know that not everyone is so desperate, but it would be fun to hear how boys see us girls and their opinion on how we flirt.

I have one male friend that said the hot and sexy girls doesn’t flirt with you they only take the jackarses , they never take a good boy, only the bad ones. I always answer him but is it so wrong that a not so attractive girl flirt with you? And he says yes. Anyway in my mind boys are strange!

oh I know I'm not right so don't tell me that I am wrong!

1 comment:

Jonas said...

Johanna nu är du elak mot alla de killar som verkligen flirtar med dig..