Damn I am ashamed of being one, but girls are full of shit and talks trash about each other!
The thing is that all girls that I am friends with talks trash about everyone else that isn’t there, I know this is bad but honest all my answers is okey, yeah, no, please change subject. I don’t tend to speak to much shite about others because mostly it always comes out in the end. Anyway I would stand for what I have said, more than others do. I have one that don’t like me at all but funnily she pretends to like me and don’t have anything against me. What a fake person, stand for what you think your ugly w**re if she asks me if I mean her I would actually tell her the truth and say yes! I don’t write out names here because it can be offended to those persons I do hate and dislike!
Now to the funny thing I hate one person and only one and that is a boy! So sorry girl you think I hate you but you are so wrong! Idiots I dislike you huge, you would never ever come in to my life again, and I know I rock way more then you silly people. Anyway it is really so funny to hear what people think about you mostly because they haven’t a clue that I aren’t like that.
Now to the things I have heard about myself, and I will actually tell you the truth about the rumors!
- I have been stealing boyfriends that is so far from the truth you can come. My ex boyfriend actually asked me if we could date and I said yeah ok that sounds great, honest ever one else tried to get him and the idiots succeed, well lucky me more than anything I do want to thank all the girls that shagged him because it lead me to the one I am with today, and to be fair I never ever stole him, because we have had a hard path honest, but now everything is so easy.
- That I am a whore. Ok this is so fun to hear, I have heard that I am the Swedish whore, whore and lots of other things that is a whore. Now to the point to be a whore you actually screw around lots and takes money from the other and I have never ever done that and to be honest I would not need that. Mostly because I have looks, that most boys’ likes so if I break up with my boyfriend I would not have a trouble getting a new boyfriend, but honest I don’t see the point in the dating things…
- Then today I heard that I was going to leave my boyfriend, what the fuck have some people get this. Honest I would never leave him, trust me on this if we are breaking up it has to be him who would leave me! Jeez I would be the stupidest person to leave him; he is the most honest, wonderful, handsomest person alive. I would die from the inside if I hurt him in anyway. I hope you girls that spread this rumor get this I love him with all my heart, and you will never ever get me to leave him with your idiotic rumors.
- That I am dead, oh well this isn’t true I am actually alive and really happy
- That I am the bitch, I am a nice person until you stab me from the behind, then I get the cold hearted person that don’t care if you die or are alive, I would just make sure that you know what I feel and how I feel about you!
Now I hope I have clear some things out at least, and the funniest thing is that some girls have been saying that I am ugly as Kim Kardashian and Megan Fox, honest that is really a nice thing to say mostly because they are both really good looking young women. But I have to say that Megan Fox is really plastic because she has done too much plastic operation, and we all know that Kim K, has done that too but I haven’t so thank you for thinking I am a true beauty.
I really know that there are boys that doesn’t like me at all they think I am ugly fine, good that I don’t look good to everyone that would have been a pain in the arse, honest you would have to say no to more people and that is hard, well the girls are mostly jealous because I do get along with boys way easier than girls. Boys are more adventures then girls are, I mean how many girl friends would go out skating, rollerblades, be outside in the woods, dive from the rocks, jump bungee jump, rock climbing? None here at least! Jeez but my male friends really like to do everything that I love to do, was great to live in the north Sweden when my south friends came to pick me up to go to ski with a snowboard, was fun to go to the hills and go down, through I got a fracture in the arm, but at least they are way more fun to hang out with then the shite talking bullshit girl mates I have!
So I know that my girl mates will read this so this is for you all : Don’t trash talk because I find it funny to see how much you are lying and trying to deny what you have been saying about me, and next time have the guts to tell those things to my face! Honest when was I out on the clubs dancing, probably one year ago! I don’t drink anymore because I don’t find it so funny to be hangover as a pig as I was two days after New Year’s Eve!
Well mostly I am ashamed of being a girl jeez we do trash talk way too much, do it like me loud and clear so the persons hear what you like about them, honest it will bug them even more that you have the guts to talk about them loud and clear!
Now to the end of this long shite blog, I love my boyfriend lots, my family too, and some friends but you all know who you are so LOVE YOU!
Peace out!
http://meganfoxbuzz.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/megan-fox-before-surgery-2009.jpg Megan Fox
http://www.worldnewsin.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Kim-Kardashian.jpg Kim Kardashian
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