So I am doing a project to make a homepage where I will promote myself as a person, but also have a blogg I am sorry I will end this blogg, and from now on I will only write in Swedish as people always misunderstand you when you write in English I write as I mean, if I want to talk about myself I use terms as, Johanna, Me, I, I'm ect, I usually use words that means what I want to get out. But anyway I will not write any more in English as there are some idiots that misunderstands what I'm talking about and what I want to get out, but don't worry I know those idiots will probably misunderstand my swedish blogg too as they are just idiots.
So from now on, I will end this blogg, and it has been fun to write it, and it has been great to write in English but no more English, if you want to understand me from now on you have to learn Swedish Sorry!